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Everything posted by creed

  1. Can you provide the basis of this belief? This is a serious question. Chapter, verse, commentary or something I can read.
  2. Definetly a role model. It would be of great knowledge to me to understand the depth and details of his faith and community service motivation. I believe I know the answer, but many would question his commitment and praise to his savior, bibical writings, and church in that respect.
  3. He apparently didn't take or pass social studies in middle or highschool.
  4. Don’t know about the pardon part but I do think they compliment each other. Both are good dance partners even though they dance out of step with the people’s music at times. Replacing either is a disadvantage to the remaining partner.
  5. There's a poster on here that appears to have graduated from the Donald Trump school of narcissism.
  6. It’s not looking good for ole Donny. I was thinking old Biden wouldn’t make it to Election Day but it looks like Donny will be out before him.
  7. I'm not voting for him, but one party is secretly saying thank you.
  8. Can you tell me what individual freedoms the govenor has removed with dictating FDOT controlled bridges be lighted in red, white and blue?
  9. Anyone...anyone that thinks Desantis is limiting their freedom to display colors of their choosing is not thinking correctly. Fly your colors, display them wherever you want on the property you own. You who are complaining just don't like Desantis. He was elected by a majority of his state. All departments fall under him and follow his order. He has elected to show, in his opinion, Florida's patriotism in this way. It's not that big of deal.
  10. Had a chance to bring people of all parties, creed, race, etc. together and he crapped the bed. He is so negative. These reasons, and others, are why I will not vote for Trump. Once a turd, always a turd.
  11. Did Desantis say YOU (people) had to light up your house, car, bike, boat, etc., etc. with red, white and blue?
  12. I don’t look at this issue from a favoritism perspective. We’re Americans and our country colors are red, white and blue. This is just a thread to bitch about DeSantis because some don’t like him. He could be dictating to feed the homeless and somebody would complain because he only supplied water for drinks.
  13. Who gets to decide what merit means?
  14. Command, instruct, steer, lead. It’s what people of leadership do. I couldn’t imagine our president just recommending things he wants to accomplish.
  15. I don’t see or understand your point of view. The DOT is a state organization with DeSantis as it COO so to speak.
  16. Correct, and the Florida DOT is not a democracy.
  17. I look at it more from a coaching perspective. For example you want all your players wearing the same uniform all the way to their socks. Also, not sure why people are making a big deal about it. Especially non citizens of Florida.
  18. I really don’t understand your point of view on displaying a consistent way of showing patriotism. Maybe it’s because you don’t like Desantis but that’s no reason to dislike the approach.
  19. Very good. Every citizen should have healthcare and that system should be consistent (one system) throughout the country. But there will some on here that think it’s okay for insurance to make profit off their health or lack of health.
  20. The only thing I can say about these tapes is, they’re owned by the tax paying citizens. We paid for them and they belong to us.
  21. Even if they do debate the questions will be easy and telegraphed a few weeks before. I can almost guarantee a question about the deficit and how to address it will not be asked.
  22. Watching these two debate will be like watching two really old people have sex. Just the thought of it is satisfying, because they know they're not capable of performing the act. 😉
  23. I hope that clip is not the whole of his speech. Graduation should be more about positives, with uplifting and ecouraging words.
  24. Fifty, I believe you are a good person. Don't let distractors get in the way of your path to salvation. What do you believe is personal between you and Jesus. Here are a few questions to ponder. Don't respond to me with an answer, it's between you and Jesus. Things to meditate and pray about. Do you believe God created the heavens and earth? Do you believe Jesus is the Son of God? Do you believe Jesus was born of a virgin (Mary)? Do you believe Jesus performed miracles? Do you believe Jesus died and arose from the dead? Do you have faith in all of the above? Do you live your life knowing the above and there is life after death? Please read the Sermon on the Mount (Beatitudes...Mathew 5). It's one way how a christian should live.
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