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Everything posted by Tiger

  1. Anybody know if this is gonna be on directv? I can't find it on the guide
  2. hahaha good point about JS' girl. Damn, I didn't know CKK's buyout was so big. Looks like we'll have to concoct a new hail mary plan then. How can I convince my employer to pay me a truckload to stop working for them?
  3. You know, I'd disagree with this but after seeing Muschamp actually land a HC job after flopping so bad at UF I can't say that's not a possibility of happening. But I personally (which doesnt mean much) don't see CKK as some hot commodity for a HC job. I don't think anyone except TTU was after him as HC and that was only because TTU needed to bring back the Mike Leach vibes and he was the on-field face of that era for TTU. I could definitely be wrong though.
  4. I saw this mentioned on Saturday and this is now my pipe dream: Kliff Kingsbury gets fired from Texas Tech, Gus pulls him out of Texas to be our OC when Rhett moves on and CKK improves our passing concepts dramatically and at the same time sells a fellow Texas boy in JS in leaving the state to come to AU
  5. This site definitely fluctuates between "our staff/players/everything is the best in the country" to essentially "everyone needs to be fired ASAP" extremely violently. We had a patchwork roster going into the UGA game. Could CGM have tried to navigate it a little differently? Yes, but the cards were stacked against us going into the game and the injury bug had slowly been creeping up on us until we hit the tipping point which is what we saw on Saturday. It's frustrating because we look SO bad when we lose IMO
  6. I hope Gus ditches his no-negative recruiting policy just once and points out to JS that this TAMU sales pitch Sumlin is using on him is the same thing he said to the 124 other QBs that have left his program Actually I hope we ditch the no negative recruiting policy altogether and start doing w/e we need to do, legally, to land kids.
  7. We played pretty well. One complaint I have is that sometimes we don't run a set against a zone and there seems to be a lot of confusion and just dribbling in place with everyone standing around while the shot clock dwindles leading into a bad shot. It's not as common as it was the last few years though. Jared Harper is going to lead our team to some massive success IMO. He may never put up huge stats but I like the way he's running our team.
  8. That would be a fantastic get if he enrolls early. If he doesn't I won't be too mad about it as he'll get a full off-season in the program before his first game.
  9. Basically if we get Kendall Briles that will be our saving grace. And that is kind of sketchy since he's now implicated in recruiting violations as of a few days ago
  10. How tall is Wiley? We looked like a team that had a bunch of new faces playing together for the first time. We also are going to get dominated on the boards this year so we need to adjust our expectations. Hard to win when you lose the rebounding battle. We have some very gifted wing players. We have a spark plug true freshman PG. We are going to beat a team or 2 we shouldn't because we have some shooters and if they get hot at the same time we will be extremely hard for anyone to beat. But if we all go cold for extended spurts we could lose to anyone on our schedule. We are going to have to shoot very well and consistently to overcome our lack of rebounding and rim protectors. Not down on this team at all -- just pointing out weaknesses, I am actually very excited to watch them play again tonight. We are going to play a fun and entertaining style of basketball, and with so many freshman getting playing time it's going to be fun to watch. We are starting to physically look like a Bruce Pearl team, once we get a guy 6'10 or so for some rim protection we will have a more balanced team. Seems like there isn't all that much size difference between our 3-men and Horace Spencer. Horace is going to have to be our anchor on defense and will need to stay out of foul trouble though. The refs were trying to foul everybody out in our last game, and there's no excuse for a damn 20 point game to take almost 3 hours to finish.
  11. Good call on Calloway. The name Peaches kind of rings a bell with that story. And lol @ Chizik and reforming at risk youths.
  12. that one was ridiculous. Is he the one where he was essentially lawfully kidnapped until he was "convinced" to flip?
  13. That was an incredible video. Professionally shot and a whole lot of family and friends joined in. That was one hell of an effort and a good way to jump up to the top of fan favorite lists. I wonder if he approached Bleacher Report or if they approached him. This got me thinking what was the weirdest (or worst) commitment video/announcement thing you have ever seen? IDK if I can name one but one that gives me Nick Young meme "???" face is Cassanova McKinzy's "They have a chik-fil-a on campus" admission over why he chose AU over Clemson comes to mind. I know it wasn't a commitment announcement or video but definitely a "huh?" moment for me.
  14. Lots of 04 mentions, but this team reminds me more of 05. We were still figuring out who we were at the beginning of the year and caught an L because of it. Grrrr if our HC just had enough confidence in the team he put together to play football straight up we would've beaten Clemson and who knows how we would've played vs TAMU with that kind of momentum and confidence.
  15. Oh yeah! We will cause all kinds of fits for defenses with this kind of game breaker on the field
  16. Haha so true about Bill Stewart. Yeah Pat White and ND were made for that Rich Rod offense. I haven't watched film on Akers to be honest as I don't watch too many HS highlights unless we are getting close to signing a kid/have already signed the kid. But I had to watch Shivers' video after seeing his listed height and weight. Devine seemed to be a little more shifty to me when comparing with Shivers but of course I'm relying on a 10+ year old memory.
  17. Tried to see where he's at now. Apparently he's in the CFL. But his HS highlight film can essentially be summed up in this blurb here, per wikipedia:
  18. I still remember when Devine's high school highlights were circulating -- stunning stuff even on VHS quality lolol He put up 200 on us didn't he?
  19. Noel Devine/Darren Sproles I'll take that kind of play maker in our offense
  20. Good point. 3-0 is a great sign heading into tomorrow's game
  21. I don't know if I feel like that's fair to count that. That's kind of misleading IMO
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