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Everything posted by TigerOne

  1. As long as you aren’t writing the check, and the endless solicitation of paying up or else. Used to coaches developed players and built them up to win with loyalty, dedication, determination and commitment and accountability through coaching. Now it’s whoever can buy the best players with the assistants doing the heavy lifting and the head coach selling the program.
  2. Nah Coach Dye flat out said what he was going to do and there was no doubt at all he would do it. People respected Dye and knew he was a coach to be feared. Totally different environment now of course. Reality usually sounds negative and no one is saying not to give Freeze a chance. He has 1-2 years to show he knows what he’s doing. That will be 3 under his belt. Personality wise Freeze ain’t no Dye, unfortunately. nil? Seriously, fans held hostage for ransom. You would be better off playing the lottery, the roi from the nil is negative. The player can up and leave whenever. Remember Bo Nix nil? Wonder what happened to that cash?
  3. That was a huge difference, what was it? 30 -0 bench points?
  4. Thank God this uat sickness is eliminated.
  5. It’s insane and ridiculous that this is even the matchup. All the pressure is on UConn
  6. Hope the men UConn don’t come up short also.
  7. Typical response for fans that are ok with Auburn as it is.
  8. I don’t dislike him, want him to be great but up to this point he has failed Auburn. His clock starts tomorrow on getting Auburn to greatness, and has a short time to do it. Aren’t we tired of being irrelevant?
  9. The question is why has Auburn excepted being mediocre for so long. Oh we keep trying but when it doesn’t work it’s oh well maybe next year. Think it’s going to get any easier? Coaches know they can fail and get rich. If Freeze lays an egg this year he should get ass chewed and one more year. These contracts should have penalty clauses if coaches don’t produce results.
  10. He gets no pass and if he thinks so start looking for a coach not a con artist. Freeze has done nothing for the Auburn family to get excited or hopeful about. It can change quickly of course but right now he’s sloppy, confused, unsure and oblivious to what’s going on around him.
  11. At the moment we do. uat in the final four and will probably win the whole thing. Auburn had a head start and is now sliding back. womens basketball, nothing really, trying to rebuild. Softball looking for a new coach so start over. Auburn has been irrelevant in football for nearly a decade. Meanwhile uat, Georgia, Tennessee, and get ready for Oklahoma And Texas all are improving rapidly. baseball, last place in the sec. but it’s ok Auburn has learned mediocrity isn’t so bad.
  12. Absolutely have positive things to say when there are some. Just going by what we are seeing. I hope Freeze is the greatest coach Auburn ever has but so far , and it’s has been a short time, he seems to be way over his head. I think we as fans should expect and demand major improvements across the board. We will see soon, good recruiting yes, now do something with it. You would think Auburn fans are tired of mediocrity, excuses and just one more year mentality. With nil and portal teams can turn positive quickly, if they have the right coach.
  13. He’s just in it for the money, just like the players. Oh yeah he will try and want to but he doesn’t have to produce a winning team. If he gets fired (and will), still becomes a multi millionaire. Harsin is the perfect prototype. Colleges and fans are getting played big time.
  14. You forget the last requirement…pay up or I’m going somewhere else.
  15. Nil (aka fans held hostage for ransom) Is semi pro football. Wonder how long before college semi pro teams affiliate with Nfl teams?
  16. He won’t have a choice, his results determine his tenure. so far it’s still wait and see. He hasn’t instilled any confidence or hope. A day will only raise more questions and wait until August.
  17. Or in Auburn’s case fired. Freeze will probably be next in the distinguished Auburn coaches fired get rich quick hall of fame
  18. Just now seeing this? The best players go to the highest bidder. Don’t play enough or start? Pay up or I’m gone!
  19. It’s funny that people think Saban retired. He’s more involved more than ever. He just doesn’t have to do the outlier bs “official hc have to do”. they just hired back one of his assistants. Now with doebler they have two head coaches.
  20. That’s kinda like Auburn’s football coaches
  21. Hopefully, hopefully the nil and portal won’t force Bruce to give it up sooner. We are already seeing it start to erode the coaches.
  22. As is every other sport. Auburn will be even more mediocre at best. Good thing we have had years of preparation. Mens basketball is probably the only sport Auburn will have success. oh but go ahead and send your fans held hostage check (nil for the tax accountants)
  23. Ok other than sec champions in basketball and Equestrian, Auburn Athletics isn’t very good.
  24. Seems Bruce said something about another court so both men and women can practice the same time or the women have their own facility.
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