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Everything posted by Deutschetiger

  1. It's been almost 35 years but as I recall it was just a dry seasoning with tenderizer it - maybe similar to the Fiesta Uncle Chris' Steak Seasoning you can get at HEB.
  2. I was a cook at Quincy's before college. We had the best breakfast buffet in town because Spartan Foods also owned Hardees. The same lady would make biscuits for the two restaurants starting at 3:00 am each morning.
  3. Thank god vandy receivers suck as much as ours do.
  4. Why can't we just try the guy with the porn mustache?
  5. Can someone explain to me WTF is Thorne playing?
  6. Take the 3 point and be happy. We couldn't have asked for a better start. Hugh is flipping the script.
  7. How in the h*ll could putting Holden in be any worse than this sh*tshow?
  8. Auburn has the worst guards in basketball and Pearl is turning into Terry Bowden.
  9. The players are getting paid now so anything goes.
  10. Es gibt fuer uns keine andere Auswahl. Er ist ein Uebermensch.
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