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Everything posted by tbone4jc

  1. Like his power. Looks pretty fast to me. That 1 punt return he had like 8 would be tacklers and he escapes?? WHAT!!!
  2. Will definitely donate monthly!! This has been the best site for my Auburn fix for over 10 years!! 👌
  3. I miss Scott. Any word on how he is doing?
  4. Love this. Young men falling in love with Auburn because its Auburn. No Head ball coach= doesn't matter. War Eagle young tigers!!!
  5. I think we need more edgy recruits. Don't get me wrong about the ones we recruit but we seem a little soft against some teams. I do not want to recruit bad people but we could use a player or two who is a little rough around the edges on the oline and dline..maybe a LB also...
  6. War Eagle!!! Welcome to the family! We may not agree on everything all the time but all the time we're family!!!!
  7. Now this is AUsome ! Thanks for the updates.
  8. Or, maybe there is so.eone higher on the list the the coaching staff likes more?
  9. You are correct. 2012 was the year I was referring to. I apologize
  10. As much as I respect you E I am not believing that after we were getting an overflow 4 and 5 star recruits on the oline just a few years ago that CGM would handcuff our oline coach from recruiting quality HS olinemen. That just don't make sense.
  11. Might as well re designate him to recruit! Got a feeling he is going to de-commit soon after this weekend.
  12. YES, YES, YES, YES!!! Welcome back Coach!!!
  13. I was really hoping that coach would see how much his work is appreciated by so many that he would overlook the a-hole who offended him and written "things I think I saw- Arkansas". That's one of the few things I looked forward to, an unbiased opinion from someone who really knows a thing or two about the sport we all love. Bummer☹
  14. It is/was. Living here in Charlotte there was always chatter his family wasn't keen on the idea of him being 6 hours away
  15. Maybe he wanted to stay closer to home??😱
  16. Coach. Every Sunday after church I come to this site looking for your post. Good, bad or indifferent you are spot on with your insight of the game. Please do not let a few idiotic people win!
  17. War Eagle! Our defense just keeps getting better every year!
  18. Do you really expect Auburn to expose the game plan for this season against inferior opponents if we don't have to? We shall see against A&M just how good or bad this offense is then let the judgements begin. It just never stops......
  19. We just came off a huge win over a very good Oregon team a let down is often the case after a big win and in my honest opinion that is just what the Tulane game was. Conference play starts in 2 weeks and we will see if we are any good or not against the Aggies. War Eagle
  20. I thought that was the highlight of CGM coaching Saturday night, especially after Bo's mistakes. I think that helped tremendously in keeping the young qb's head in the game and his confidence from wavering. I likey! War Eagle!
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