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Posts posted by VipersStrike1

  1. 9 minutes ago, ellitor said:

    Again it would be career suicide for KB. Would you take an off field position at 30-35k to be at AU where you don't get much coaching contact with players

    This is another big factor. Stidham would not get to work with Kendal as a consultant on the field. Wouldn't be much time off the field.

    So even if Kendal came to an agreement as a consultant, that doesn't suit Stidham 100%.

  2. 19 minutes ago, NoALtiger said:

    I guess I still don't see why Gus can't just hire KB in some temporary capacity, just for a year and then make changes later. It could easily be worked out. RL is going to get a HC job sooner than later. Bring KB in now, yes, at a reduced off field position with the understanding that he changes positions (OC or position coach) later with a huge raise. The bigger question would be if Gus wants KB around period. 

    As mentioned, off-field positions and consultants do not make what Kendal can make as an OC at a non-P5 program.

    How do we know Lashlee is going to get a HC job sooner than later? He's 0-for-2 thus far at applying. Couldn't even land at Georgia State.

    So how does that fact comfort Kendal in that he would be the OC in waiting?

    Your last statement may ring the truest. We all know Gus is ultra stubborn and prefers assistants that he trusts.

    • Like 1
  3. 20 minutes ago, shabby said:

    I meant why do we hire him for an off the field position at 100 k if it meant getting Stidhim. are their rules against that?  I imagine 100 thousand is pretty minor thing so it must be something more than money preventing auburn from.an offer like this. 

    No one is going to pay an off-field consultant 100K. If they did, can you imagine the uproar from everyone about giving a consultant an obscene amount of money JUST to sign his prized pupil? It would be Camgate 2.0.

    • Like 1
  4. 13 minutes ago, ellitor said:

    That would be a gray area mistake along the same lines of what Lion said a few posts up. He can't have a tour of facilities because that would recruire contact with a school's athletic staff.

    Which would make it less than ideal for a program that Stidham hasn't visited to acquire his NLI. He would be mostly relying on Kendal's opinions of the new staff and Athletic Department.

  5. Just now, shabby said:

    But if stud him is so crucial why wouldn't we offer Briles something like 100 k or more if it meant getting both. are there legal reasons or caps that exist for exactly that reason?

    Read the last 2-3 pages of this thread. Under the NCAA rule of 10 on-field coaches, we don't have room to offer Kendal an on-field position. Plus, he hasn't been cleared by the NCAA of those minor recruiting violations yet.

  6. 42 minutes ago, lionheartkc said:

    The NCAA has no power to stop a prospect from doing whatever they want. That being said, if he did that then he puts LSU in serious risk of violations, because if a member of the staff as much as says 'hi' to him while he's there, they would be in violation of the rules, unless he signed his NLI, and you can bet the NCAA isn't going to give them the benefit of the doubt.

    And how would Stidham visit the Athletic Department, which we all know is a key building in any school's recruitment, with no coaches present? Sounds simple...just let a tour guide show him around, but you have to clear the building of all coaches DURING a time of heavy preparation for Bowls and recruiting.

  7. 2 hours ago, ellitor said:

    Most if not all day. It's going to be like the 12 hour visit Rhett had with Jarrett last Friday. And they will try but I don't expect them to be able to lock him down today.

    I agreed with this yesterday, but considering Art has now filed suit against Baylor, creating a circus for he and his family, could that combined with Gus and Lashlee's visit today increase a close with Stidham today?

  8. 14 hours ago, ellitor said:

    I'm not sure an off field position will work for KB. His options will not be bare. He may not be able to get a P5 OC or QBC job but it's likely he will get a shot at being OC or QBC at an FBS non-P5 school. I think he would take that over being an off field consultant for AU given the job & financial limitations that come with an off field job.

    Agreed Kendal will get interviews with non-P5 programs. And if that type hire happens, I think that locks Stidham up for us.

    Altho Kendal at Houston would concern me a little because of Texas proximity and current prestige.

    • Like 1
  9. 1 minute ago, brad5628AU said:

    My apologies..I'm a little lost here. Is he officially delaying his decision? 

    Damon sayles - one of the BR columnists tweeted this morning that's Stidham was very close to a decision. But im reading the opposite in some places. Know he wants to announce the 14th, but is there anything to officially contradict that? TIA

    The only thing that Stidham has announced is he is waiting on where Kendal ends up at.

    Gus and Lashlee are having an in-home with Stidham tomorrow. Very doubtful that will change anything as Kendal's new home is the key to this mystery.

  10. 10 hours ago, ellitor said:

    January 11th. The day Spring semester begins at AU ironically.

    Dumb questions...

    The dead period typically starts on the 2nd Monday of December every year correct?

    If so, how do JUCOs and other transfers, who typically commit the last 2-3 weeks of December, handle communication during the dead period with their future coaches prior to signing?

    And are they allowed to make an UV during the dead period? Just can't visit with and communicate with the staff?

    For example, Cam signed with AU on December 31st, 2009. Without getting into the alleged instances with MSU that helped drive Cam to AU, how was there progress with him on AU's side the last 2-3 weeks of his recruitment?

  11. 9 minutes ago, gr82b4au said:

    JS will be playing in the SEC next year. 

    Now with kiffen going to houston things are going to get interesting. LSU has to hire an OC. I don't think they would hire KB as he is not a big name yet BUT that would certainly be terrible for us in just about every way.

    Hopefully JS just says - I am tired of this and I am going to AU. That is my hope. Fingers crossed!

    Agreed. SEC seems extremely likely IF a package deal since the Big 12 is off-limits for Stidham.

    If not AU, I'm hoping Kendal will get picked up by a Big 12 team.

    • Like 2
  12. 26 minutes ago, ellitor said:

    I guess Stidham could go to Houston to stay close to home but I don't see it. I don't think it's a too late for them deal though. I think it's because Houston is not a P5 school. If they had gotten into the Big 12 effective immediately then I think Houston would be a big threat for Stidham if they get Briles. And I don't know what play Kiffin will make. I have no connections to him or Houston.

    I agree with you that Houston is not a threat for Stidham because they're not a P5 program, but had Houston gotten into the Big 12 immediately, wouldn't the Big 12 rule of Stidham (that we discussed earlier) having to sit out 2017 still apply?

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