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Posts posted by VipersStrike1

  1. 57 minutes ago, AuburnArch13 said:

    Sumlin/Mond having a change of heart seem to be our biggest threats.

    I agree with you, but with Sumlin having never met Stidham face to face, I can't see A&M jumping back in it. Would Stidham meet with Sumlin if he reached out? Of course. But IMO, it's too late in the race and Gus/Lashlee have established too much of a relationship with him.

    You can tell in Stidham's interview he has been much more mature about his recruitment vs. 2 years ago by being "blunt" and telling coaches up front "this is what I'm looking for." He has been weeding them out in the first phone call.

    To have Sumlin come in full force these last 5 days after being absent throughout the entire process would have to draw several questions from Stidham.

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  2. 1 hour ago, ellitor said:

    Honestly I don't care as long as aTm stays out of it and Kendall Briles does not get a job before Stidham signs or enrolls.

    I know Stidham's feelings would change, but I can't see A&M being so far out of this race for awhile, then launching themselves back in it just because they hired a QB Coach. Why would the hire of a QB Coach change Sumlin's mind about Stidham, esp given as you pointed out, he's never met Stidham face to face? I just do not see A&M getting back in it.

  3. Just now, ellitor said:

    Lol. A multitude of things could have made that noise. What's truly telling is his tone of voice. He did sound frustrated he had not heard from aTm much.

    It sounded like a magazine or a letter hitting a table. Or possibly slapping his leg. Regardless, the timing immediately after he said it was most def frustration. And yes, the tone of his voice validated his frustration too.

  4. 6 hours ago, ellitor said:

    I would not put it past aTm though to try to quietly make an 11th hour run at Stidham, especially if Mond has already signed since he is an EE.

    I can't imagine that happening. The Monds have been rumored to have given Sumlin his orders, thus why he's backed off. If A&M were to break that promise by signing both, it would no doubt be another QB sh!tstorm for A&M.

    Plus in Stidham's own words yesterday in that interview about A&M, "I don't know what's been going on. I haven't really talked to them much lately." You can hear him slap something after he says it in frustration.

  5. 16 minutes ago, gr82b4au said:

    I will say that if we don't land Stidham - it will be a huge loss and I think most Au fans will be extremely disappointed.

    For me, it would be the biggest punch in the gut in recruiting ever. To have A&M THIS far in the rearview mirror at this stage was unfathomable one month ago.

    He is 100% essential at making a legit SEC Championship run next season. Without him, IMO, our chances drop below 50%. It is that drastic.

    • Like 1
  6. 8 minutes ago, Auburn2Eugene said:

    To each his own I suppose. To me,  it appeared he was forcing passes too much in 2014. To me it appeared  they (Gus, Lashlee, and Marshall) were trying to force Marshall to be more of a passer.

    This is why I didn't say he regressed. I said he appeared to regress. I knew his stats improved,  but it looked forced to me. Look, I'm not taking anything away from Marshall. He was phenomenal.

    Cool. And you're entitled to your opinion that he appeared to regress.

    My opinion is that he progressed. Part of that was due to the addition of Duke Williams making sick catches. Part of it was due to defenses scheming on the ZR. Part of it was due to the losses of Robinson, Kozan, Mason and Prosch and that unstoppable running game. I watched Marshall become more accurate and deliberate with his passes in 2014. I'm sure part of it was scheme from the coaches, putting Williams in the slot, and making quick, deliberate slant passes a strength that season. Many of those slants were knocked down by defensive linemen, which kept his stats from being even higher.

    It just so happened Marshall had the arm strength to make those passes, thus ALL of his passing stats improved (minus one more INT). Regardless if it was coaching scheme, taking advantage of Duke Williams underneath and Sammie Coates deep, taking what the defense was giving them or Marshall's arm strength or a combination of them all, Marshall progressed in the passing game in 2014.

    29 minutes ago, Auburn2Eugene said:

    I just hope we aren't putting all of our eggs in one basket and making coaching decisions based on the preferences of a kid who may or may not sign. 

    I highly doubt we are. If we can bring Kendal aboard, great. If not, I still think we sign Stidham.

    • Like 1
  7. 6 minutes ago, ClaytonAU said:

    Appreciate the level headed post and I agree with you. 

    NP. The majority of my posts are level-headed. I call all facets of AU football how I see em, good, bad or ugly, regardless if the board agrees with em or not.

    IF we land Stidham, "most" here will do back flips. "Some" will continue to toot White's horn.

    IF we don't land Stidham, "most" will continue to toot White's horn.

    That's just how it is.

  8. 33 minutes ago, ClaytonAU said:

    Gus proved at Tulsa and Arky that he could be successful as an OC. Gus was familiar with Rhett as he has been with Gus his whole coaching career with the exception of his one year with Samford. Neither of your examples are similar to Kendall as my argument was that we don't know whether it's Kendall or his dad that is running the offense. 

    Of course Gus was familiar with Rhett for several years, but he had never given the play-calling responsibilities to him until 2015.

    My point is Chizik got Gus from Tulsa on the strength of his #1 ranked offense, a program that can easily run up scores on the AAC. Chizik took a big chance on him in "some" people's eyes. We were laughed at and criticized for hiring a "high school coach" by everyone...even our own fans.

    It (the risk) wouldn't be much different this time with Kendal, esp if he was brought in as a QB Coach because Rhett appears cemented as OC for 2017. Worst case in that scenario is Rhett leaves in 2018 and Kendal is promoted to OC. Kendal will have learned from his dad, Gus and Rhett.

    Young guys have to start somewhere and learn from someone(s).

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