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Everything posted by AuCivilEng1

  1. They aren’t at the moment, but if Texas and Florida St can get their coaching in the right place, they absolutely are better set to be contenders. Texas especially. Texas is about to screw Texas AM, imo.
  2. Top 10 in the country Is inaccurate. Top 10 in the SEC. Top 20 in the country is more likely. But it doesn’t matter is there are 8 teams more likely to succeed nationally ahead of you in your own conference.
  3. They may not be, but they are at the least setup up for success on an even level. So that puts us at 8. The point is adding Ok, Texas, Clemson, and FSU puts 4 or 3 more teams above us in most categories. Auburn has made their living on “lightning in a bottle” players and scenarios historically. Those programs above us, have been far more consistent with their success winning and recruiting.
  4. My pessimism is assuming that Harsin is in line historically with the other coaches we have had. If he turns out to be the best coach we’ve ever had, that will likely boost our recruiting and assist in the conference relevance situation. But ask yourself this. If Harsin was also offered the job at Bama, UGA, FSU, LSU, Clemson, Florida, Texas, Oklahoma or AM, would he come to Auburn?
  5. I mean you can have a program, fans can enjoy the games, and you can bring in a crap ton of money. You just have to reside yourself to the fact that, realistically, we won’t ever be much more than average.
  6. I mean, I have no hard proof that it will for sure happen. But we already have a hard time out recruiting Bama, Georgia, Florida, Texas AM, and LSU. Those teams, for different reasons, are just able to pull in top recruits more regularly. Texas and Oklahoma are also in that list, and now they can. Label themselves as SEC teams. Clemson is the 2nd hottest team of the past decade, and also kill us in recruiting. If they become an SEC team, they’ll boost themselves. And FSU is a historical blue blood is a recruiting hotzone (Florida). Being in the SEC will boost them as well. So with all of that being said, where does that leave Auburn? Here is a ranking of the SEC members and applicants over the last 150 years, using ESPN ranking model. 1. Bama 2. Oklahoma 3. Texas 4. Tennessee 5. LSU 6.Florida St. 7. Auburn 8. Florida 9. Georgia 10. Clemson I think we can all agree that Clemson and Georgia, and Florida realistically, are more capable than us these days, but Tennessee probably isn’t. So that would put us at 9th on the list. That’s smack dab in the middle of a 18 team conference.
  7. Being in the ACC would absolutely kill our recruiting. Being an SEC team is the only thing keeping our head above water. There is no escaping this. The SEC is expanding with teams that WILL out recruit Auburn on a regular basis. We may be a relatively not thought about team on a national level, now. But in 2025 we are going to become a not thought about team, in our own conference, most likely.
  8. Auburn being in the SEC has given us an enormous advantage in the region. I’m telling you guys now, this may help everyone financially, but adding blue bloods to the conference like this is going to hurt us. I guess you’d rather be in the new Super SEC than out of it. But, man I hope Harsin pans out to be one of those transcendent best coach we’ve ever had type hires, if this is what we are going to be competing with in conference play.
  9. Not gonna be a good look if Gus gets fired, goes to a group of 5 school, and then proceeds to beat us out for a major recruit. I hope we land this guy, today!
  10. I personally think that OU and Texas is the start of what we are going to notice is the big time Nationally blue bloods rooting themselves in the top tier. You’re going to see teams like Alabama, OSU, Miami, Oklahoma, Texas, Notre Dame just continue to further themselves from the rest of the pack. Their players will get better NIL deals, so they’ll always recruit the best players, they will get the best tv spots, so middle ground teams will be relegated to streaming services, and the portal is going to allow Bama, OSU, etc to just call up players that are high quality and developed. Mid level schools are going to essentially become farm teams. Auburn is in the middle up of top 25 programs of all time. But, what makes us unlucky is that our league rivals are mostly all ahead of us. Now that gap widens even more. Auburn is going to be the 7-9th best program historically in their conference. SEC adds Clemson and FSU and we move to like the 10/11th best. Hopefully Coach Harsin can overcome that and put us on an upwards trajectory. But it’s going to be extremely difficult. He may end up being an upgrade in every single way from our previous coach, and still have us at 7-5/8-4 most years, because he can’t bring in the best talent.
  11. Auburn University has the most bada** coach in the country. It’s official. Let’s just hope his Terminator demeanor rubs off on the team.
  12. I can’t help but feel like we are about to be on an extended stay at the dead middle of the conference, and it won’t be because of coaching. Jeeez, Gus did a number on me. I have concerns about exposure for Auburn. 1. It seems like ESPN is becoming increasingly more involved and influential when it comes to the decisions made in college football. We all know that as far as ESPN is concerned, Auburn has little to no value to them. It looks like college football is quickly becoming a big national market driven sport. The nationally known teams are going to be the focus, no matter what. 2. Adding UT and Ok to the mix and possibly FSU and Clemson down the road, where does it leave teams like Auburn when it comes to to nationally televise games? Will you ever see Auburn vs MSU or Auburn vs Tennessee anything other than the SEC network or ESPN3 anymore?? 3. Im interested to see how the scheduling is done. If we move east, who becomes Auburn’s permanent West opponents? Who becomes Alabama’s, Uga, FL? Watch this more. This will tell you a lot about where the conference is trying to drive the sport.
  13. There is, for some reason, some incredibly low expectations for Auburn this season. I don’t really understand it. I can see people saying that we only win 7 or 8. But I don’t see see doing anything but improving from last year. It doesn’t make since that we wouldn’t. This Auburn team went 6-4 regular season, last year. That’s not great, but we are adding in 3 cupcakes, and getting an offensive staff that actually runs a real college offense.
  14. Gus and Chiz didn’t have results. Chizik was a 5-19 head coach who came in and killed it recruiting in his first year. It isn’t very fair, but CBH needs to at least put together a class that’s in the upper half of the conference. The more recruits see us at the bottom, the more we become the trash team that doesn’t bring in the best athletes.
  15. Yea I know it’s not the end all be all. But us being so low allows a narrative to be created by people recruiting against us. And young kids are extremely impressionable. You can become known as Auburn, the bottom tier recruiting school really quick.
  16. Anyone know when DA is announcing?
  17. I wanna sign this kid just to help pad our recruiting ranking, so people quit making fun of us. There, I said it! We’re all thinking it! Don’t you judge me!
  18. I don’t know anyone who think it shouldn’t be a choice. I think we’re all just baffled at the general stupidity and lack of care of people who won’t get vaccinated for a virus that killed 4 million people, worldwide in a year and a half. To be completely honest, I personally don’t really care if the anti vaxers get vaccinated or not. Those dummy’s can go extinct, for all I care. I just don’t want you peeps taking up resources in hospitals and ruining stuff for the rest of us. Like football season for example.
  19. A lot of the same people call themselves “pro life”. Go figure.
  20. Recently history says we may be better off missing it. I don’t think I can take another beat down from Bama.
  21. He’s about to hit you with the ole Marco Rubio 1-2 (aka, your johnson is small)
  22. Lemme guess, you’re in the group that has “done the research and come away with the conclusion that the vaccine isn’t worth the risk”. Am I right?
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