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Everything posted by AuCivilEng1

  1. Wondering the same thing. They interviewed Bo Nix about 20 mins ago, but not in front of a podium or anything. He was just in the hotel lobby. Is SEC Network not covering the coach interviews?
  2. Jesus, reading that Texas Horn thread, their fans seem like a treat, don’t they? That’s all we need is another entitled, we’re better than you fan base to have to listen to along with Bama and UGA.
  3. I say let them in, move us to the east, switch us with Clemson. Let us go to the ACC , add Gus and his UCF team and we can rival with them , and let the SEC destroy each other! 😈😈😈 #easyroute #cowardswayout
  4. Man that North division would be a juggernaut wouldn’t it? Haha
  5. West - Oklahoma,Texas,Tex A&M, Arky, Ole Miss, Mizzou, LSU, Miss St East - Auburn, Bama, Florida, South Carolina, Georgia, Tenn, Vandy, Kentucky. They could call the West something like the Big 12. Just spitballing
  6. Hahaha. That’s the only way we go. Then we’d play Georgia, Alabama, Florida, every year. They’d have a “random” drawing for cross division rival and we’d get Oklahoma or LSU😂😂😂😂
  7. They do this, but Auburn runs a complete gauntlet every year. Seems about right.
  8. They’d just keep us in the West. Lol. We are stuck in the West forever. They should have moved us and put Mizzou there.
  9. I just remember 14 year old me being extremely frustrated with Campbell over and over again and then all of a sudden idolizing him his senior season. I hope Bo can have that kind of redemption story.
  10. I’m almost positive JC started every game his soph, junior, and senior year. I can’t remember any other QB starting.
  11. That’s where off season development comes in. I don’t know how accurate he is throwing drags and slant, etc, because he rarely had to throw them. He seems to have the drive and will to improve. I hope he does. He has a very high ceiling.
  12. Yea I remember him splitting reps with Daniel Cobb his freshman year, but I think he secured the job by the end and never gave it up. Wasn’t Josh Sullivan behind him?
  13. I think that just giving him more high percentage looks will improve his accuracy. That’s not even taking into account actual skill improvements that he may or may not develop. Just having a slant route, TE, RB to dump off to, and the type of play that actually gives you those options will help a ton. I could totally see Bo increasing his completion percentage by 4-5 points, just because the play calling improved. Time will tell.
  14. I think Bo is capable of having a Jason Campbell year 3 to year 4 type of turn around. Proper coaching will do wonders for him. He’s a momentum driven guy. The more he gets, the better he becomes. Gus just had a way of killing his QB’s confidence and momentum with terrible play calling. He sure does seem to love the game and want to get better.
  15. I don’t see us doing worse than 4th. I think Bo and the OLine are going to look way better with competent play calling. The defense is going to be solid, we have one of the best running backs in the country, and a WR room who will benefit greatly from a more diverse playbook. Anyone who thinks we regress from last year is smoking crack. The play calling alone will give us an extra win.
  16. It was. AG is that Alpha. That’s why the old guard is trying to push him out. And any “alpha” that comes in will be treated the same. Those guys aren’t going to give up their power.
  17. I’m sure. We’re so embarrassing sometimes. It’s our destiny to always be a mess and never have consistency and stability.
  18. This whole thing just feels too Auburn’y. Feels like Greene will be out and some bubba is gonna slide right on in there. I hope not.
  19. I’ve been generally pretty surprised at how low the expectations are for Auburn this year. I understand the coaching change, streaky qb play, poor pass blocking part of it all. But I’ve seen some predictions basically relegate us to bottom feeders. I just don’t see that happening. Maybe I’m a homer. But the qb and oline play won’t do anything but improve. We also now seem to have a coach that won’t crutch us with awful play calling. The defense is better. We have the best RB in the SEC. There really just doesn’t seem to be a ton of confidence in Harsin to succeed, by the outsiders. Perhaps we are better off not having high expectations.
  20. Adidas!! That is all.. I’d be down with Nike, though. UA gear is wack, except for the stuff with the vintage logos.
  21. We are destined to just flail around in the middle of the pack for eternity. So much drama in the A.U.B. If they manage to run Bruce Pearl off with all of this drama, I’m just going to go ahead and lose hope of Auburn ever being anything other than an inconsistent, middle of the road athletic program.
  22. Those of you that listen to the drive should catch the episode from yesterday. Brian Matthew’s had a glorious “who gives a s**t” attitude about the whole situation. I like the way BM thinks. Glad he covers Auburn.
  23. I watched AG’s interview on the War Rapport and came away feeling like AG has a lot more control of the budget than I previously would have thought. From what I understood, the head coaches are given a baseline amount of money and decide how they will split it between recruiting, staff salaries, amenities, etc. and if a coach feels like they need more money in a specific area, they have to be able to justify how it will pay for itself with AG. Maybe I misunderstood what he and the War Rapport crew were saying, but it certainly sounded like that was the case. I kind of like the idea, though. It takes away the ability for a coach to just spend crap tons of money on assistants and recruiting without justification of how the money is helping Auburn with results **cough cough Gus Malzahn cough **
  24. Holden is gonna win championships for us….😈😈😈
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