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Everything posted by auburn4ever

  1. We need Kendal Briles and Jarrett Stidham if we won't the 2017 to make it's way back on top in the SEC.
  2. Gus and Rhett's play calling stunk all year. Something has to give so we won't have to go through that awful smell again in 2017.
  3. What's next? Pretty much what we've seen in 2014, 2015 and 2016.
  4. I thought JUCO players had to sign a to sign an NLI like high school players do.
  5. I have to believe that Malzahn is smart enough to realize that if he doesn't make some changes on his offensive staff, he himself won't last much longer. Remember how hard headed Tuberville was when it came to him making changes and he did very little? he was gone. It looks as though Malzahn is just like Tuberville.
  6. Yes. It's time for a head coaching change.
  7. Do you remember when Tuberville was our coach? he would make big changes on his staff. Oh sure he fire replaced Gorges with Franklin and that move didn't. I feel that was a big reason why Tubs was fired. It looks like Malzahn is another Tuberville cause won't make any changes on his offensive staff starting with Lashlee. Gus will not last if he doesn't make changes on the offense. IMO, Tuberville would be a good AD for Auburn.
  8. Even though Noah is ranked a 3 star, I think he's a big commit at WR.
  9. If Lashlee is removed, I think Gus will move fast so he will be able sign Stidham before someone else does. I'm hoping Gus will hire Art or Kendal Briles.
  10. Last week, Georgia beat 13-7. This week, Georgia beats ULL 35-21. That tells me ULL has a better offense then we do.
  11. Gus nor Rhett should get one more year. They should have been fired after last years 7-6 overall & 2-6 in the SEC record. But thanks Jacobs Gus & Rhett got another year. Look where it got us this year. We lost to Georgia AGAIN and unless there's another kick6, Auburn will lose to Alabama AGAIN. That means Gus will be 1-3 against GA and 1-3 against ALA.
  12. Georgia got all A's. Auburn's offense got D's and F's. And finally, Malzahn and Lashlee and Hand gets F's again.
  13. It was Art Briles who got in all kinds of trouble and not his son, Kendal.
  14. After watching Auburn having all kinds of problems at QB against Vandy, this is why we must do all we can to talk Jarrett Stidham into signing with Auburn.
  15. That is great news. I'm happy for Mr. Hamm. God does answer prayers.
  16. This is one big reason why we need to hire Art or Kendal Briles. This ould end up a 2 for 1 packege.
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