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Everything posted by I_M4_AU

  1. During the game, in the 4th qtr I believe, when things were well in hand for UGA the announcers were praising Coach Smart for his innovating way he develops his players in other things than the Xs and Os. It implies that other programs don’t do this and we all know they do, but the issue is; what parent wouldn’t want their kid to attend this type of school? It was a recruiting tool for UGA born out of Coach Smart’s success in changing the culture at UGA in a short period of time. Auburn fans want the same thing, we just have to wait for Harsin to institute his coaching style to change the culture here at Auburn. It will take a while so lets enjoy the ride.
  2. The culture is what the top talent are looking for in a program. The reason Ga and Bama have great talent is because they changed the culture first. It is not easy, culture goes hand in hand with success and when we have success the talent will come. Harsin has to convince talent that the culture he is trying to instill at Auburn will lead to success. He will have to sell himself to these recruits and deliver on his promise of a better culture. JMO.
  3. Hopefully a good omen for today’s football game.
  4. I have it on good authority; Auburn has the best chance of any team in America to beat UGA today. Let’s get it done.
  5. You. Have. Got. To. Be. Kidding. Me!!!! Did you just contradict yourself in the first two sentences? I agree that Biden has not issued a mandate on nation wide level. However, he has mandated the Federal employees to get the vaccine. Our service members have a choice of getting vaccinated or possibly receive a dishonorable discharge. One heck of a choice. Biden has mentioned he is going to have OSHA to put these *mandates* in place for corporations of 100 people or more. OSHA has not come up with any regulation yet, but, as you point out, the corporations are more than happy to *mandate* these draconian rules implied by the Biden administration. Your assertion that the vaccination rate has skyrocketed is typical of the left’s thinking. Is that you Jen? When you make an employee decide between a vaccine, that they believe is not necessary for their particular age group or situation, and losing their livelihood as mindless is ludicrous. You should actually look at the people that are sacrificing their livelihood for their beliefs. In NC Novant laid off 185 workers for not being vaccinated. NY State have even higher numbers. https://gothamist.com/news/northwell-health-lays-1400-employees-who-defied-covid-19-vaccine-mandate By now we should be able to live with Covid as the Delta variant is waining in the south. Yes, people should consider getting the vaccine, but to mandate it by Biden or the corporations is not American. Let’s Go Brandon 👏👏👏👏 👏
  6. I can understand the anti-vaxxers concerns. Not all reasons are valid, but some are, as why would a person that has survived Covid with natural immunity required to have the vaccine. You’re good at these triggers. Maybe you shouldn’t be so eager to *pounce*. Every time there is an emergency is the time we volunteer to give up our rights. I’m just concerned it’s happening now. Mandating vaccines is the political act here. Biden slow walked it by stating he would not mandate vaccines as late as last Spring. Then when the numbers were not what he anticipated he gave up and instituted the mandate via OSHA. Now people are being laid off from a political action Biden took. Can you explain why Biden said he would like to see 97-98% of the population vaccinated before we can get back to normal?
  7. Define violence. Is it the same violence that the DOJ is investigating during school board meetings? It is essentially shutting down any dissension that may hurt his cause by intimidation. It’s the same as FB, Twitter et al for censoring any alternative points of view. 🤣 You’re so far up Biden’s policies you can’t see real life. Covid has been more political and less scientific since it arrived on our shores. Forcing employees to get vaccinated by Biden’s OSHA requirements is nothing but political. If it was not political a basketball player that has survived Covid and has natural immunity wouldn’t be required to get vaccinated to play his sport. Just give your kids to the government to raise and get it over with. I’ve been married for 47 years to the same women. What do you think? As to the second part; she isn’t consulted on everything I do. Isn’t that taking charge? You are following what you think is best for you. And I thought we were having a good conversation. Your interpretations are interesting. What would you call a goal of 97-98% vaccination rate? That’s is the American way. It’s advice and a person can heed it or not.
  8. Well, obviously, I watch MSM and FOX and try to see where their information is the same. It is increasingly difficult to determine what is the truth.
  9. You’re exactly right. It all comes down to personal choice. As Harsin said; “this isn’t a math test”.
  10. This is not exactly true, my arguments are for the personal choice to vaccinate or not. I can see some of the arguments of the people that don’t want to be vaccinated. I didn’t make that choice and I feel the risk of getting the virus was more than the risk of the vaccine. Of course, I got the Fauci Ochie in March and had no side affects. I’m debating about taking the booster. Please read the excerpt from Biden’s speech from yesterday and honestly tell me how you interpret his intent. Let’s be clear: When you see headlines and reports of “mass firings” and “hundreds” of people losing their jobs, look at the bigger story. I’ve spoken with Scott Kirby, the CEO of United Airlines, who’s here today. United went from 59 percent of their employees to 99 percent of their employees in less than two months after implementing the requirement. Ninety-nine percent. And, by the way, Scott, I want you to know I’ve instructed the Justice Department to make sure that we deal with the violence on aircraft coming from those people who are taking issues. We’re going to deal with that. In the last days of their implementation, they cut the remaining number of employees left to get vaccinated in half. They went from 67,000 United employees to 66- — of 67,000, 66,800 complied. People chose to get vaccinated. https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/speeches-remarks/2021/10/07/remarks-by-president-biden-on-the-importance-of-covid-19-vaccine-requirements/ I like the part where he says “people chose to get vaccinated”. They were given a deal they couldn’t refuse. Chose to get vaccinated 🤣 Soldiers are dishonorably discharged and health care workers (the ones that were hero’s a year ago) are being laid off and replaced by either military or foreign workers. This is in the same category as injecting bleach, you can’t use that excuse. According to Joe, we are there. This from the same speech: More than 75 percent of eligible Americans have gotten at least one shot. It seems the 97-98% of Americans need to be vaccinated wasn’t a gaffe. We must have total control of our population. Did I mention we have let over a million unvaccinated illegal immigrants into our country in the last 9 months. As a parent you get to decide what is right for your kids and as a husband you gets to decide what is best for your family. At your age this is what you should be doing, taking charge. I have no issue with that. In the last 2 days, both New Zealand and Australia have backed off of their ZERO COVID policies as that strategy was not working. Here, in the US, we are following our Fearful Leader. Lets Go Brandon 👏👏👏👏👏
  11. Your statement is true, but it doesn’t alter the FACT that vaccinated people can and do spread Covid. Whether they are less likely to spread Covid is irrelevant, they still spread it. If everyone is vaccinated, which is an impossibility, we would still have infections if there are break through cases. They would be less frequent, but we would still have infections. Biden said we can probably get back to normal if we have 97-98% of Americans vaccinated. How long are you willing to wait?
  12. Say it isn’t so. Joe needs to back off this mandate of his. Pfizer is seeking *emergency* FDA approval of their vaccine to vaccinate children 5-11. What is the emergency in children 5-11?
  13. Bingo. A person can catch Covid from either a vaccinated or unvaccinated person and it really doesn’t matter if the occurrence is any different. You still get the virus. I don’t see this thought as being demonstrably false.
  14. I don’t think you misspoke, I just wanted to further explain my view of personal choice. The more we are vaccinated, the more people’s perception will be we can return to normal. We may never know. Mandating is just wrong.
  15. And you say “you don’t live in fear”. Go see your Grandparents, they will protect themselves and they would love to see you.
  16. Well, they have cleaned up the chant. “Let’s go Brandon”.
  17. Don’t worry, being on the left these type of transgressions are overlooked.
  18. Did you purposefully misgender Senator Graham? Shame.
  19. Memory is always there, whether it be about the deaths from the Cutter situation or the Tuskegee Experiment there will always be a portion of the population that will resist these vaccines. The data for this vaccine is 10 months old, that’s it, and as you have said the issues are probably underreported. On top of that, the reports of issues are being censored by social media and the MSM are being urged not to report these. Does this give you pause? I’m not saying people should not get the vaccine until more data is known to the public, but I can see the hesitancy for this vaccine. This is where the anti-vaxx movement really started. I do wonder if the exemptions will continue? https://www.gov.ca.gov/2021/10/01/california-becomes-first-state-in-nation-to-announce-covid-19-vaccine-requirements-for-schools/ Here is where personal choice comes in. It doesn’t matter what the risk is for either. Each person could care less about the risk if there is a chance, any chance, they maybe affected by either. The people that believe taking the vaccine is the way to go are vaccinated, the others are not. To force people to make a decision regardless of their personal perception about medical issues is despicable.
  20. No, I was responding to the political statement being about vaccination hesitancy rather than vaccinated vs the unvaccinated.
  21. This is an example of a leap in logic. Are you trying to put words in my mouth? I know of people that have had a break through case, as they have been vaccinated, that have passed it on to unvaccinated people, so we know contracting the virus has nothing to do with who is vaccinated and who is not. Do you agree with this statement? Of course, the unvaccinated can spread the virus, but they are not the only ones spreading the virus. Therefore, if you vilify the unvaccinated you are being political. What most of this thread has been talking about the *normal* situation, not the outlier. The outliers have to protect themselves as they know who they are and other people can not be responsible for something they are not aware of. If the *normal* people are aware of their condition, then yes, they should take precautions with these people. It would be up to the people who have compromised immune systems to set the standards of not interacting with people that may be a threat to them. As an analogy; a person who has a severe allergy to peanuts will have to protect themselves and let others know if there may be a problem.
  22. So you say the parents had their children vaccinated with 30+ approved vaccines and you are questioning their vaccine hesitancy? Those 30+ Vaccines have been around for 50 years or so and very few have to have *boosters*. The Covid vaccination is good for the Alpha variant, but also helps (does not prevent) with the Delta variant and we see that people in the age group of 65+ May need a booster only 6 months in to original inoculation. I was alive during the outbreak of polio in 1950 (I was born that year) and with all the press, you bet my parents had me vaccinated (the oral dose back then). Interestingly enough, by the time I took the cube of sugar there had been enough research to make the vaccine *safe*. In 1955 the Cutter Laboratories sent out 200,000 doses and had caused 40 000 cases of polio, leaving 200 children with varying degrees of paralysis and killing 10. I still remember seeing PSAs back in the day with kids in Iron Lungs encouraging parents to get their kids vaccinated. The internet was not around so there we no vaccine hesitancy as it was administered at school. These 30+ vaccines are aimed at preventing diseases in children which most parents would welcome. I believe these vaccines, until recently, were required to enter school. Again because they were deemed safe at preventing childhood diseases. This is much different than a person deciding what is good for their own bodies with an (at the point of the initial vaccine) experimental vaccine. It’s different now and how you describe the reluctance, it appears it is political. It doesn’t mean every person the is hesitant is doing so because of politics. I, too, am a proponent of the vaccine, but I am also a proponent of personal choice. That choice does not affect me and to say the unvaccinated are a danger to the vaccinated is definitely political.
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