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Posts posted by AuburnNTexas

  1. 1 minute ago, autan said:

    I'm pretty sure Steven has had some opportunities to leave Auburn. If he is in fact interested in replacing CBP in a few years, I just wonder if his resume would be better served if he moved on for a few years or if he stayed around to continue helping his father build this program to an even higher level?

    That is a great point. I don't think Auburn fans hate on Steven Pearl, but I think some are not comfortable if he becomes head coach without head coaching experience.

    He has been an asset to Auburn and if he replaces his dad without going away and getting head coaching experience it would not be ideal. That said I would not pre-judge him I would wait and see how he does just like I would for any new coach.

  2. 21 hours ago, homersapien said:

    Not to worry, they'll change their positions just as soon as the court becomes stacked with liberals. ;)

    You are correct when it comes to appointing Judges neither party has taken high ground. Republicans complained when Roe/Wade and said was political, then Democrats complained when overturned complaining it was political. 

    Both were correct both decisions were because who had been appointed to Supreme Court.


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  3. Great idea as it helps the people who need it the most. Politically it is also very savy. If Democrats come out against it, they lose votes from service people many who are mainstays of Democratic party in the past. If they agree then Trump comes back and says you have been in charge for last 4 years, why didn't you do it?

  4. On 6/9/2024 at 4:57 PM, lca408 said:

    If Auburn doesn’t get JuJu, they’d have to go after a Portal QB regardless. Thorne is moving on and it’s unlikely that either Geriner or Brown would stay to remain a backup for the ‘25 season. Auburn is unlikely to go after a portal QB right now under a (likely) promise to JuJu but if we miss out on him, even when we get another HS QB, Auburn will take a portal guy.

    I can see Geriner or Brown leave maybe both leave if we get Ju Ju but if we don't get Ju Ju I expect at least one or both to stay. I would expect both to stay as both plus Walker White would all have a shot at earning starting job.

    I would expect White to win it but nothing is for sure. If we do lose one of them we will still probably sign a different HS QB so we would still have 3 QB's not ideal but it would work.

    If Walker White is as good as wee  hope then we could go toportal for a QB if one did leave but the portal QB would not have to be a stud just a solid backup QB.

    • Like 1
  5. I was wrong and I have to say thank you to Jurors for doing the right thing.  I still would prefer sometype of suspended sentence as this is his first crimianl conviction. Maybe with come caveat around drug use in future. To me the more serious offenses are around the Tax evasions that he will still go to trial for.

  6. 17 hours ago, homersapien said:

    The way we've been recruiting OL and Receivers recently certainly helps our chances.

    I agree. Having the right people around a QB allows the QB to showcase his skills.

    I think one key issue with any 5* QB is setting thier expectations. Be honest and explain they will probably sit one year and redshirt.  To be really good you must be confidant. Some are openly confidant and look cocky and others are internally confidant. It doesn't matter which but the confidence has to be there. 

    That is why it is hard to sell a top player that they may not start their freshman year. Hopefully he has good advisors who are looking for what is best for him long term be it at Auburn or USC. Obviously I want him at Auburn and I have a feeling the Freeze is telling him the truth and selling what will be best for Ju Ju long term.

  7. I predict a hung jury.  Based on the evidence he is guilty. I believe he should be found guilty and then get sometype of suspended sentence as first offense. I believe it will be a hung jury just because of location of trial. I think at least one juror will find him not guilty because he is a Biden and will ignore the evidence.

    Please respond to this before jury comes back with judgement.


  8. 3 hours ago, alabastertiger said:

    This is an awesome get.   I read this in an Athlon article ... Auburn is also making a push for five-star offensive lineman Andrew Babalola in this class. he and Shull have a relationship and it could help Auburn's chances with getting another big man upfront. 

    If by some miraclev we add him to this class. This would probably be the best O-line class I can remember at Auburn.

    • Like 2
  9. 1 hour ago, phillyeagle said:

    Broderick Shull commits! Great news for the OL.

    This is turning into a great class, especially in the trenches. 3 quality DL (2DT'S & 1 Edge), 5 O-line, 3CB'S, 1LB, & 1TE.

    In addition we seem to be looking at some WR'S, Safety's, RB'S, etc. With a shot at Ju Ju Lewis at QB. We are in the top ten right now with chance to move up.

    We finally have a great O-line class which has been needed for years add to that 3 really strong DL. Teams win in the trenches and we are getting there.

    If we finish strong and continue this level of HS recruiting next year then we can start using portal less but shoot for difference makers in portal as oppossed to patching weaknesses.

    • Like 4
  10. 10 minutes ago, aubiefifty said:


    Goodman: Fire Greg Sankey if the SEC starts cutting sports

    Updated: May. 30, 2024, 10:07 a.m.|Published: May. 30, 2024, 6:32 a.m.

    6–7 minutes

    This is an opinion column.


    SEC spring meetings take place in Sandestin at an expansive resort on the beach.

    It’s a beautiful little work junket for the league.

    Coaches bring their families. Administrators do, too. There’s a big party with an open bar. There’s free golf. Television executives fly in to keep the wheels of big business well greased. Reporters tag along to cover the shindig, soak it all in and enjoy the scenery.

    Everyone acts like important meetings are taking place, but these guys couldn’t even bother to vote for playing nine conference football games last year.

    What I’m saying is this: SEC spring meetings are just a big excuse to spend a whole lot of money on nothing.

    Because the SEC has tons of money, and the SEC needs to spend all that money on something. After all, it’s a nonprofit organization. Its official mission is to help member institutions organize championship events.

    The real mission of the SEC, though, is to generate as much money as possible for everyone except the athletes playing the games.

    But that’s about to change.

    Goodman: Can Birmingham-Southern still be saved?

    Documentary on BSC baseball draws interest from streaming services, producer says

    Goodman: Birmingham-Southern swings for the fences one last time

    Major donations, positive vibes fueling Birmingham-Southern baseball

    Goodman: Inside an ‘insane’ day of food-poisoning and history for Birmingham-Southern baseball

    I wonder how many athletes are at SEC spring meetings representing the interests of athletes? Something tells me not enough, if any at all.

    Instead, we have guys like SEC commissioner Greg Sankey saying vague things like “hard decisions” will need to be made when the athletes start getting paid. Instead, we have Alabama athletics director Greg Byrne uttering banal words about deferred maintenance for stadiums.

    The implication, of course, is that non-revenue sports might need to be cut to pay athletes.

    “There may have to be hard decisions,” Sankey said. “Some I can’t even begin to imagine.”

    Said Byrne: “Last year, we spent $20 million in deferred maintenance. That’s to make sure steel is reinforced. Concrete is reinforced … deferred maintenance isn’t real sexy but you have to do it.”

    Let me just make this emphatically clear. If teams in the SEC begin cutting sports before Sankey and Byrne begin cutting their salaries, then they both need to be fired.

    The bald-faced audacity of Sankey threatening “hard decisions” while organizing an opulent all-expenses paid summer vacation for coaches and administrators of his league is so comically ridiculous that it sounds like the idea of a very bad skit on “Saturday Night Live.”

    If Sankey wants to keep earning his paycheck, then Sankey needs to figure out how football can make the most money possible. Is it by further ruining college football, or is it by making college football the best version of what it can be?

    Maybe start with 10 conference games every year and go from there. Suddenly, these are not hard decisions after all.

    It doesn’t take a genius to do simple math.

    If Byrne can’t keep the books balanced when it comes time to pay players, then he’s going to need to cut the bloated salaries of coaches, administrators and support personnel. Maybe football teams don’t need so many employees for recruiting and breaking down film after all.

    Georgia coach Kirby Smart is set to make $13 million per year. How is Georgia going to pay players? Maybe start by slashing Smart’s preposterous salary down to a measly $2 million a year and go from there.

    Sankey makes $3.6 million a year. Byrne makes $2.625 million per year. They should be making no more than university presidents and college deans.

    Here’s the truth about college sports. They have to spend what they make. These are non-profits, after all.

    No, these were scams. College athletics are big business. It’s just fraudulent business built on a framework that has been deemed to break antitrust laws. For a long time, all the money was given to coaches, athletic directors, construction companies, third-party contractors, etc., etc. The list goes on and on.

    Now some of it needs to be given to players.

    Major college athletics are ways for executives and coaches to bilk the system for millions of dollars because they didn’t have to pay the employees. Welp, not anymore.

    The Olympic sports aren’t going anywhere. It’s the runaway salaries of guys like Sankey and Byrne that need to be wiped from the books. These are just college sports, after all. That’s what everyone with a microphone keeps saying. College sports are different. College sports aren’t pro sports.

    Exactly right. Then why do administrators need to make multi-million dollar salaries when the athletes get nothing?

    It was illegal all along and no one is letting them off the hook if they continue stealing money by cutting college sports.


    Got a question for Joe? Want to get something off your chest? Send Joe an email about what’s on your mind for the mailbag. Let your voice be heard. Ask him anything.

    Joseph Goodman is the lead sports columnist for the Alabama Media Group, and author of the most controversial sports book ever written, “We Want Bama: A Season of Hope and the Making of Nick Saban’s Ultimate Team.”

    If you purchase a product or register for an account through a link on our site, we may receive compensation. By using this site, you consent to our User Agreement and agree that your clicks, interactions, and personal information may be collected, recorded, and/or stored by us and social media and other third-party partners in accordance with our Privacy Policy.

    This article hits the nail on the head. The amount of money spent on coaches administrators, and as mentioned here extravagant parties and not on players is what led to where we are today.

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  11. I liked Aden as a shooter but after first few games I realized he was not as quick as I expected. At his height he needed to be super quick, then he lost his stroke.

    From what I have seen of Pettiford he has elite quickness and can score at all levels. That said I am glad that we have pieces around him to allow him to grow and improve as he adjusts to top level college basketball. 

    Between his skill set and players around him he should have a much better impact then Aden had.

    • Like 2
  12. 12 hours ago, Skip Jansen said:

    Although I've been a long time reader of this site, this is my first time commenting. I used to be a regular participant on ITAT, and still follow AU basketball.....I just don't comment on social media very often anymore. That being said...I feel compelled to address the recent Tahaad Pettiford position distinction, as I believe a lot of people are taking what BP has said far too literally and may be missing a method/agenda to his rhetoric. 


    First of all...does anyone really think that it's a coincidence that BP made the public comment that TP is "not a PG" just a couple of days ahead of a visit from a transfer PG (Pegues)? Or...that he is now hedging that statement by saying that TP will play some point just days before a transfer 2G (Kelly) commits? One thing I know for sure is that BP never says anything without a reason. And...there is definitely a method in his most recent ones. 


    The hardest thing to do in today's climate (transfer portal/NIL) is to develop quality depth. That makes it virtually impossible to recruit over the top of a current player or bring in a high level transfer and freshman in the same year. One of them is gonna be unhappy and leave. BP learned that the hard way with the Trey Alexander situation. Believe me...BP knows how good we would have been the last couple of years with Alexander. So....does anyone really think he's gonna risk that again? He's just trying to build the best roster possible under the rules that have been set. What BP says publicly is what he wants out there and he's earned that right. Whether it's semantically filled is irrelevant. Who cares what verbiage BP uses to distinguish TP's position? This is the age of position less basketball anyway, right? It's obvious that BP wants TP and Pegues on the floor at the same time, so...he can call TP whatever he wants.. Transfers want to come in and play and they know if a school has signed the number one recruit, in the country, at their position. So...does it sound like BP is contradicting himself occasionally or sending mixed signals? Sure, he says things like....TP is "not a PG" and is gonna play "off the ball", but then says that he wants the "ball in his hands"  because he's a "great scorer and shooter". When did those skills become a detriment to playing PG?  Mark Sears, Wade Taylor, and Josh Hubbard share those same skills and they are called PGs. Again, the terminology is not what's important....it's an intended message not normal discourse after all. Getting them both to AU is what's important. 


    I've been fortunate to have seen TP play several times, but there's no reason for me to state my opinion about his natural position. I'll leave that to BP and everyone will get to see for themselves in November. I will say this....he is not a 2G in the traditional sense. He is not a guy that will be coming off a pin down or curling off a staggered screen hunting three point shots. Does that mean he can't play "off the ball"? Well...how is he gonna be "off the ball" if the ball is in his hands a good portion of the time? Nevermind. 😁 Whatever he's labeled...he's incredible off the bounce. His first step is off the charts (his speed is the first thing you notice). He is great at getting to the rim in ball screen action (but he's not a PG? 😂)  or not. I'll be interested in seeing how teams defend him and how BP utilizes him. In ball screens....most teams will likely try and go under forcing him to make perimeter and mid range shots. If he makes those consistently...he's basically unstoppable because he will turn the corner and get downhill against any other coverage. He and Broome should be lethal in ball screens because when he turns the corner because the weak side post defender will have to step up, so expect a lot of lobs for dunks. Did I mention that his passing (particularly in the paint) is elite? He also has a jab step that will be a crowd favorite. I think BP will overload a side a lot as well to keep the help side defense occupied in other action. Probably see more dribble hand off stuff in order to get a switch and attack it (although he doesn't really need a mismatch because he can get by anyone). 


    Something else to consider....the way the block/charge rule is being called now is a much bigger change than most realize. Officials will not allow a help side defender to just "stand at the alter" in the lane and draw a charge anymore. That's gonna be a block call every time going forward. We didn't see it much last year because we didn't have a guard that could penetrate. Pettiford is gonna have a field day with it. He is a great finisher at the rim as well. He plays much bigger than he is and will go to the FT line a lot. As a matter of fact...I expect us to be a high quantity FTA team overall. He's also really good at recognition, decision making and 

    controlling tempo and pace (I know, I know...he's not a PG 😜). Those skills obviously make him dangerous in transition as well. 


    So, In summation....it doesn't matter what TP's position designation is. He can be called a lead guard, combo guard, or "bucket getter" (or whatever), so....everyone can pick their favorite. What does matter is his production level. IMO...he will be one of our top 3 in minutes played, usage, and scoring. FWIW...I don't  typically use hyperbole when discussing incoming freshmen because 99% of them are already overhyped. That's not the case with TP....he's the real deal. I'll be interested to see social media comments in January/February. I'm guessing the rhetoric will consist of a lot of...."He shouldn't go unless he's guaranteed being a first rounder" and..."The latest NBA Mock Draft has him going at number 26 in the first round".  Oh wait....that's what they have him now. 


    Sorry for being so long winded and thank you for allowing me to interject on this matter. I hope it didn't come off as me dissing others because that's not the case. I like Pegues, Kelly, and Jones...they are all good players, but...Pettiford is a legit difference maker. War Eagle!

    I like your take and hope you are right. If you are right then we have the Alpha Cole is always talking about.

  13. 6 minutes ago, Skip Jansen said:

    Although I've been a long time reader of this site, this is my first time commenting. I used to be a regular participant on ITAT, and still follow AU basketball.....I just don't comment on social media very often anymore. That being said...I feel compelled to address the recent Tahaad Pettiford position distinction, as I believe a lot of people are taking what BP has said far too literally and may be missing a method/agenda to his rhetoric. 


    First of all...does anyone really think that it's a coincidence that BP made the public comment that TP is "not a PG" just a couple of days ahead of a visit from a transfer PG (Pegues)? Or...that he is now hedging that statement by saying that TP will play some point just days before a transfer 2G (Kelly) commits? One thing I know for sure is that BP never says anything without a reason. And...there is definitely a method in his most recent ones. 


    The hardest thing to do in today's climate (transfer portal/NIL) is to develop quality depth. That makes it virtually impossible to recruit over the top of a current player or bring in a high level transfer and freshman in the same year. One of them is gonna be unhappy and leave. BP learned that the hard way with the Trey Alexander situation. Believe me...BP knows how good we would have been the last couple of years with Alexander. So....does anyone really think he's gonna risk that again? He's just trying to build the best roster possible under the rules that have been set. What BP says publicly is what he wants out there and he's earned that right. Whether it's semantically filled is irrelevant. Who cares what verbiage BP uses to distinguish TP's position? This is the age of position less basketball anyway, right? It's obvious that BP wants TP and Pegues on the floor at the same time, so...he can call TP whatever he wants.. Transfers want to come in and play and they know if a school has signed the number one recruit, in the country, at their position. So...does it sound like BP is contradicting himself occasionally or sending mixed signals? Sure, he says things like....TP is "not a PG" and is gonna play "off the ball", but then says that he wants the "ball in his hands"  because he's a "great scorer and shooter". When did those skills become a detriment to playing PG?  Mark Sears, Wade Taylor, and Josh Hubbard share those same skills and they are called PGs. Again, the terminology is not what's important....it's an intended message not normal discourse after all. Getting them both to AU is what's important. 


    I've been fortunate to have seen TP play several times, but there's no reason for me to state my opinion about his natural position. I'll leave that to BP and everyone will get to see for themselves in November. I will say this....he is not a 2G in the traditional sense. He is not a guy that will be coming off a pin down or curling off a staggered screen hunting three point shots. Does that mean he can't play "off the ball"? Well...how is he gonna be "off the ball" if the ball is in his hands a good portion of the time? Nevermind. 😁 Whatever he's labeled...he's incredible off the bounce. His first step is off the charts (his speed is the first thing you notice). He is great at getting to the rim in ball screen action (but he's not a PG? 😂)  or not. I'll be interested in seeing how teams defend him and how BP utilizes him. In ball screens....most teams will likely try and go under forcing him to make perimeter and mid range shots. If he makes those consistently...he's basically unstoppable because he will turn the corner and get downhill against any other coverage. He and Broome should be lethal in ball screens because when he turns the corner because the weak side post defender will have to step up, so expect a lot of lobs for dunks. Did I mention that his passing (particularly in the paint) is elite? He also has a jab step that will be a crowd favorite. I think BP will overload a side a lot as well to keep the help side defense occupied in other action. Probably see more dribble hand off stuff in order to get a switch and attack it (although he doesn't really need a mismatch because he can get by anyone). 


    Something else to consider....the way the block/charge rule is being called now is a much bigger change than most realize. Officials will not allow a help side defender to just "stand at the alter" in the lane and draw a charge anymore. That's gonna be a block call every time going forward. We didn't see it much last year because we didn't have a guard that could penetrate. Pettiford is gonna have a field day with it. He is a great finisher at the rim as well. He plays much bigger than he is and will go to the FT line a lot. As a matter of fact...I expect us to be a high quantity FTA team overall. He's also really good at recognition, decision making and 

    controlling tempo and pace (I know, I know...he's not a PG 😜). Those skills obviously make him dangerous in transition as well. 


    So, In summation....it doesn't matter what TP's position designation is. He can be called a lead guard, combo guard, or "bucket getter" (or whatever), so....everyone can pick their favorite. What does matter is his production level. IMO...he will be one of our top 3 in minutes played, usage, and scoring. FWIW...I don't  typically use hyperbole when discussing incoming freshmen because 99% of them are already overhyped. That's not the case with TP....he's the real deal. I'll be interested to see social media comments in January/February. I'm guessing the rhetoric will consist of a lot of...."He shouldn't go unless he's guaranteed being a first rounder" and..."The latest NBA Mock Draft has him going at number 26 in the first round".  Oh wait....that's what they have him now. 


    Sorry for being so long winded and thank you for allowing me to interject on this matter. I hope it didn't come off as me dissing others because that's not the case. I like Pegues, Kelly, and Jones...they are all good players, but...Pettiford is a legit difference maker. War Eagle!

    I like your take and hope you are right. If you are right then we have the Alpha Cole is always talking about.

    • Like 2
  14. 1 hour ago, gr82be said:

    The genie is out of the bottle and it’s not going back in it. I’m old school but I know I can either accept the current mess or stop watching. I’m not going to threaten to not watch because I know better, I would watch. This isn’t like my preferred music of the ‘70’s and ‘80’s where I can set my Sirius station to 7 and pretend the other stuff doesn’t exist. The way I see it is that those of us who don’t care much for how things are right now have two choices. 98% of the ones here like myself will still watch and pull for Auburn in tiddlywinks if we have to. Everyone needs to just accept this is what we have to deal with for now. 

    Sadly I agree. I will watch but I will still complain as this is changing what I loved most about college ball. I have always been in the camp of helping players more but not turning college sports into proffesional sports.

    • Like 1
  15. 28 minutes ago, AUSCalum87 said:

    Ok, maybe third time is the charm for this. Just saw that we are the favorites to land Miles Kelly, guard from Georgia Tech. That would be a huge get!

    6'5" is good height for a SG a little on the thin side but has a nice shot and has a good handle. 

    Would be a great fit especially for meeting a need as another scoring guard. If we get him with the other players we are getting portal and incoming freshmen we will be better and more complete versus last years team.

    Even being better than last years team we will have a tougher out of conference schedule and SEC will be improved. 

    If chemistry comes together this could be a really good team.

    • Like 4
  16. 44 minutes ago, NCAubs said:

    Love the legacy part of this…

    But offering rising freshmen is getting a little out of hand.  He might be a great player but he has been competing against boys.  I would have fine with just Auburn offering from a legacy point of view but others already getting on the bandwagon is a little nuts to me.  Lots of  growth in the next few years.  

    At 5'9" and 165 pounds he has good size for a freshman. Assuming he must have wheels. I have no problem offering early but would need to see how he develops over next few years.

    • Like 1
  17. Last year we had a really good team and should have won at least 2 games in NCCA tournament. CBM losing his cool and not having a go to guard is what cost us. I think CBM will still be intense but a little more in control. I think Pegeus has given us the guard we lacked and I am willing to bet that Pettiford will be better then what we got from Holloway and he should be able to help at both 2 and 1. Adding Howard at SF and SG versus KD who was both great and bad and we should be better at both 1 and 2 and 3 and equal at 5. Only real loss is Jaylin. If Chaney improves a little and the two freshmen get better as the year goes on, we might be better then last year. I don't expect Chaney to match Jaylin but I think we are improved enough in other positions that we should be ok.

    We are a veteran team adding a couple freshmen and a proven PG. 

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