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Posts posted by AuburnNTexas

  1. We have an oscilating fan base. After a road win against Ole Miss then a dominant home win against bama. We had turned the corner and were really good. Now a Florida team that was well rested and having a whole week to plan for Auburn and Auburn didn't have the energy to compete so now we are a bad team.

    We are a very good team but not an elite team. This year that can be said about most of the top teams.

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  2. 12 hours ago, Tigger1985 said:

    I don’t think Broome will be back. Cardwell doesn’t seem to have much of a shot selection. Hope we are looking for another center now.

    I agree Broome probably won't come back, but he has the option. I love Cardwell and if he got more minutes his numbers would improve but you are correct his O is limited we would need another center. He is also prone to foul trouble.

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  3. Sears is a great guard he showed me a lot in a losing cause. As Sir Charles said they had no bigs and got dominated in the paint.  In the game at bama that we lost in a close game to many times players left their man to help out, against some teams that is great but against bama who lives and dies by the three it gave them to many good looks. You could see in the game at home that Pearl had emphazied stay home. If they dirve our bigs will eat them up.

    Sears was only player who could go inside and score as he uses his body so well to get the space he needs to get his shot off. He played basically the whole game and was still effective at the end. Think how good Sears would be if he had Broome and Williams to go to. His assist numbers would be astronimical but his scoring would go down some as he scores when bama needs him to. With his ability to drive and dish our 3 point shooters would also improve as they would have better looks.

    Trey to me is starting to play a lot like Sears. He is strong he is starting to get shots in the paint, he feeds the bigs he gets us going after rebounds. I saw a couple times he went in backed out when bigs came but there was no pass available then backed out and then came back in and shot a short jumper. He has also gotten quicker and is able to play against speedier guards.

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  4. Ole miss is a very solid team and to beat them on the road after getting hit on the mouth in the first half speaks well for this team. Sadly to many on this board will overreact based on a very good win. When we were on SEC win streak there were multiple posters who had us in the final 4 at the big dance. Then we lose two close road games and we suck. As Bruce has said many times we were not as good as some thought and while he didn't say it outrightafter the two losses we were  not as bad as some thought.

    This is an evolving team with a lot of potential but so far without an Alpha dog. This was probably our best offense performance against a really good Ole Miss team. We killed them on the boards we shot great percentages both on two ball and 3 ball.  In second half we only had three turnovers. The other side is Ole Miss also shot great both on 2 point shots and three point shots so our Defense was not as good as it usually is.

    Positives 6 players in double figures, 9 players scored only Cardwell didn't score but he had a defensive presence. Denver has had two good offensive games in a row, our bench was dominant again, We played great on the boards.  I see the potential but I need to see consistency in last couple games Chaney Johnson has looked like he finally belongs in SEC. CBM had one of his best games helping on defense, scoring, rebounding, and effort plays that pick up a team. KD was the good KD which is who he has been almost every game this season. Jaylin another great game and Broome's numbers this year speak for themselves.

    One thing I don't understand about some of our fanbase is the way they talk about Jaylin Williams. He is having a great season, but when he has a bad game some of our fans come down on him like he is a bad player.  All players have bad games. CBM against Miss State looked lost, yet hardly anybody mentioned it. Today he looked like one of the best players on the floor. 

    For us to win since we don't have a true Alpha Dofg wehave to win as a team. Not having an Alpha Dog has also been a blessing as it is hard for other teams to scheme around shutting down the Alpha Dog. If we can consistently compete on the boards and continue having 3-5 players in double figure with others plays scoring some, playing tough D and keeping our team fresh for end of season we have a chance to be good. 

    This has been one of the most entertaining teams we have had in lst few years. Now lets go beat bama.


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  5. This game showed both the good side of Auburn basketball and the bad side. Good side we play hard, on any game we can have multiple players in double figures and it can be different players. This 

    Team feeds off energy of the Jungle and makes us one of toughest home teams.

    Bad side no consistent PG scoring, bonehead plays like 2 over and back turnovers, some bad rebounding sequences.

    On PG at this point in his career Aiden has a decent handle but isn't physical enough to get inside and score or use drive to setup other players. If his outside shot not falling he has no offense. Hoping a year with strength and conditioning coach will make him a complete player.

    At this point Tre is a more complete PG who can help even when not having a game he does little things like 5 boards.

    This will be an up and down year. Seeing Denver have a good game gives me hope. How we handle better teams at home and winning some road games like ole miss will determine how good we can become.

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  6. 2 hours ago, tigeraddikt said:

    Holloway is small, soft, and scared right now. He’s only comfortable dribbling in open court unharassed and jacking up 3’s where the big scary men can’t blast him. He’ll always be small(ish), but he won’t always be soft or scared. He just has to grow into it. Jared Harper had to as well.

    I agree with you to a point. Jared got stronger and better year after year but he was never scared.


  7. It really depends on which game you watch CBM in some games seems like the answer at SF, shoots well drives to the rim steals or causes steals. Then in games like Miss state he left his man multiple times, yjrew some bad passes, and couldn't his his shot. Chaney Johnson was a disaapointment early in the year, seemd to be way over his head but in Miss State game he was one of our best players. Miss State game is only game Dylan has not made a positive impact, he got into foul trouble early and like last year some of the foulls were stupid. Except for Miss State Dylan has been active defending the paint switching out on guards and staying with them rebounding and is good for 2-4 dunks a game that fire up our team. 

    Aiden is in a slump lately he is not getting square and going straight up he is often leaning a little and going forward on his jump shot and because of that is pressing. Denver Jones plays great defense every game and will hit a three every now and then. He makes great moves to the basket but then misses, if he can start making the shots when he drives our scoring will go up. Broome works the boards every game but sadly often by himself. He can score multiple ways around the basket his good scoring games versus bad scoring games is where the guards get the ball to him and if we are hitting threes to stop double teams. The other things to stop double teams is players cutting to the basket when he is double teamed we don't do that Miss State gave us a clinic on that.

    Jaylin Williams can have two or three great games then dissapear for a while,  The two most consistent players this year are Tre and it is hard for me to say it KD. Tre who is not flashy but is shooting around 52% he hits three's when open, pulls up and hits shots and can go the the rack. He is not flashy but he is very solid and he understands his role as a PG. When a long pass is there for a quick easy score he makes it. If it is questionable he keeps the ball.  As we know there is the good KD and the bad KD but this year with the exception of a few times it has been the good KD this year. He has really taken advantage of the new charging rule and this year when he gets the ball he actually looks for an open player and had made multiple nice assists this year. He also has very active hands on defense.

    As for lack of effort look at the score in Miss State game and bama game we kept them both below their average for the year. Rebounding in Miss State game and bama game was a legitimate issue but it is not what it always looks like.  The rebound on the foul shot that went over Jaylin Williams head. He lines up on left side and moved to right side but ball bounces long and over his head, that should have been the second player on the right side who should have got it or blocked out the shooter it looked bad for Jaylin but it wasn't him. 

    Dylan and Broome are our only legitimate rebounders, Jaylin isn't physical enough, Denver and Aiden almost never crash the boards, Chaney is solid on the boards but doesn't play much and CBM isn't strong enough.  Tre and KD actually do well on the boards based on minutes played and position.

    As bad as we played on the road at bama and Miss state we still kept the games close. We are not a great team becuase we don't have that Alpha player who can pull you through a bad scoring game.  That said with more discipline on Offense (Iffy long passes), better possessions where we move ball and don't settle for a contested 3, Some players cutting to Rim when teams double team Broome and a little more emphasis on crashing boards and blocking out we can be really good.

    Later this year or next year Aidan will be the scorer we expected it will just take one good game.

    Pearl nailed it on the head when we won all the games in a row he said we are not as good as some people think we are. We have weaknesses almost every team does it is how yoy hide your weaknesses and take advantage of your strenghts that makes difference from being pretty good which we are and being really good which we are not yet.

    If we improve I think we will go to NCAA with potential of getting to Swwet 16 and if everything breaks right top 8 but without an Apha Dog I think that is our limit.

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  8. In the games we won at home down the stretch we played Tre and KD in last two losses we played Aiden and Denver. In both games Trey outplayed Aiden. I think Aiden has potential to be really good but right now he isn't there. I was comparing the difference statistically between Tre and Aiden. Shooting Tre at 52% Aiden around 33%. Tre has more rebounds per game in less minutes and almost equal in assists. Aiden scores a little more but shoots a whole lot more to do it.

    I don't mind Pearl starting Aiden but he needs Tre down the stretches until Aiden catches up with SEC basketball.

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