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Everything posted by Butthead

  1. Not sure where you get 2 to 5 from your links. The Big 10 was a pretty small sample. And the other physicians quoted 2 to 3 without any supporting data. Same quote also said a vast majority resolved after a couple of weeks. so again put yourself in the shoes of a current athlete passing on the vaccine is not unreasonable
  2. Typical. Don’t like the statistics so question my intelligence.
  3. The CDC stats are the CDC stats. I suspect if they thought they had accurate data on the number of contracted cases they would have used that data. No matter what you use for the denominator college athletes are not dying from COVID.
  4. Nothing in either of your posted articles changes the CDC statistics. It may well be more contagious and it may well make some people sicker but that doesn’t change the mortality stats. Reasonable people can decide that the risk profile is on their aside and it can have nothing to do with politics.
  5. https://boriquagato.substack.com/p/the-real-public-health-crisis Some CDC stats included in the not so politically correct article.
  6. Get back to me on how many of these people were fit athletes in their teens and early 20s.
  7. Unless they have some other condition they have virtually no chance of dying without the vac.
  8. Many things would be good for society in general. You are for mandating all of those things on citizens, Comrade?
  9. College kid in my neighborhood ended up in the hospital with an enlarged heart so let’s not pretend there are no potential problems.
  10. A lineman weighing 330 is a much bigger risk to any of these athletes than COVID.
  11. Exactly. Hell, just this morning my wife said something was huge and I laughed and said “and that’s what she said!” I’m 53.
  12. Not sure encourage is the term I would use but I get your point. I think you give grown people good information and let them be grown ups. That is part of the reason this issues had been so political. People get Information and make a personal decision yet they get ridiculed for their decision. It’s really absurd.
  13. Totally different things but for the record, yeah I think curfews are a little absurd for a college student.
  14. Sure. And I know 35 year olds that act like 16 too. But they are all 18 and grown.
  15. Some of you sound much more worried about wins than the health of student athletes and whether or not they should be treated like grown ass men.
  16. We're not thinking outside the box here. Give each a week-long NIL deal for Milo's!!
  17. Can’t believe Parker is still there. That place was a dump when I was there 30 years ago.
  18. I think an interesting impact of this NIL may be that funds previously sent to schools for use (booster donations, etc.) may bypass the school and head directly to the athletes. I suspect the U guy was previously spending some of that money on the U's athletic department. Going to be an interesting ride for a few years until this settles down. If I ran AU's sports marketing department, I would be trying to figure out how to make the athletes more visible. The more visible the more opportunities for them to earn money. Then the schools with the athletes earning the most money will have a significant recruiting advantage over the others.
  19. My final home game as a student. Nothing will top that day although I might have shed a tear or two after the Oregon game.
  20. If any of you have not stayed at Dye’s ranch you should. Hundreds of great photos and memorabilia there.
  21. I would love to be optimistic but with a sub-par offensive line and a relatively inaccurate QB, I am just not sure how I can be. As we have seen multiple times over the past few years, the D will only hold up for so long if we cannot score points.
  22. Well, after the dive for no gain, Gus (or Caddy) yanked him. So maybe he needs to run some more sprints. Or Gus might consider calling a different play.
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