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Everything posted by alexava

  1. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/missouri-gov-mike-parsons-signs-bill-banning-transgender-health-care-minors-competition-school-sports
  2. “Historians of the future will have a hard time figuring out how so many organized groups of strident jackasses succeeded in leading us around by the nose and morally intimidating the majority into silence.“….Dr. Thomas Sowell
  3. Yea, the emotional blackmail about suicide is really lame. Walsh actually showed the trans crowd is mostly likely to commit suicide on average 7 years AFTER transitioning.
  4. I can get on board with removing this holiday but I don’t consider it white supremacy. I’m not for removing any monuments because the woke will go overboard with it again.
  5. Homer it took enough people to fly planes into buildings that we waged a war across continents for two decades....
  6. The right wing is not doing anything for cynical or political purposes. They are protecting children and women. “Cynical and political purposes” should be the official motto for the democrats. The party that also refers to itself as “the party of science “. Does anyone here think that biological men should be allowed to compete in women’s or girls sports? Because every single democrat in the House voted to allow it.
  7. From those lumping every non normal human being in the same basket.
  8. This could be serious or could be heavily edited to sound serious. At any rate you got a single person or 2 running his mouth in what was a private conversation. Not indicating a national security threat.
  9. I’m not denying they exist. I’m saying the numbers aren’t such that they are any serious concern. They are boogeymen who serve the purpose of the political left. In turn the political left makes it worth the while for the FBI to create numbers of them. Groups like the Proud Boys are lumped into it and are not white supremacists.
  10. I don’t think anyone here is going to defend Tuberville from being a dumbass. But these words are being twisted and a false narrative is being spread. If anyone watched the fbi whistle blowers house hearings, we know FBI brass gets bonus points for opening up investigations. That’s where these ridiculous numbers of white supremacists running around the country ( that nobody ever actually sees) comes from.
  11. That makes sense. I have 4 years left to retire so I’m stuck. But I didn’t think of myself as boycotting. I’m not opposed to patronizing these woke companies. I don’t encourage others to do it. I just don’t feel I can buy from them. Then I looked up the definition. Technically, what I’m doing or not doing is boycotting. If it happens to my employer I can’t really blame those who do it. So I hate it for the affected employees.
  12. You ask this irrelevant question. You don’t see that black and brown people have been thrown into the same barrel as sexual degenerates. It’s the all encompassing push for the highly sought victim. They are being enticed, pandered, recruited and created. Truth be damned.
  13. My employer has raised the flag as it does every June. It has added two more colors this year. Black and brown….
  14. My employer has lumped a black and brown stripe on the flag that it will fly this month! Hopefully the movement will just burn itself out.
  15. Flipping back and forth between the phone and IPad while half asleep I guess. Sorry, you are correct. That made no sense at all. Totally unrelated discussion.
  16. Didn’t know that i did .. I don’t visit other forums much.
  17. https://www.facebook.com/100052695144709/posts/524716392628194/?mibextid=rS40aB7S9Ucbxw6v i got a night to myself when the wife took Ava to Taylor Swift in Nashville. Didn’t know this band at the local bar but was impressed. This is the Bassist/ singer while the other two were taking a break.
  18. You libs should read or just watch some YouTube interviews with Abigail Shryer. You won’t but you should.
  19. Wait and see mode here…
  20. I don’t think you consider a procedure that promotes health, cleanliness and reduces premature ejaculation “ mutilation”…. I know adult men who elected to do it in their 30s. It shows the lack of actual argument a person has to work with.
  21. I didn’t even understand what he meant. I didn’t know I was going to have to defend circumcisions today. I was not prepared.
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