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Everything posted by jluvah

  1. Need to change the name from Auburn University to Kumbaya University for a bunch of fans
  2. Lincoln Riley ain’t leaving Oklahoma, then “the real” USC, to come to Auburn. 😂😂😂
  3. Gene Chizik was is an upright man, and he got booed on the tarmac getting off the plane by “ Auburn” people
  4. We sure are a self-righteous bunch.
  5. Are you saying the Auburn football program is a bordello?
  6. won’t happen. I think of Bruce like I do Saban. Helluva recruiter; mediocre in-game coach
  7. That’s coaching. Pearl needs to crawl their asses
  8. TERRIBLE shooting team. My gosh! Run some damn plays. Coach some, Pearl!!
  9. From talking to Roger Mitchell, Coach Jordan had good guys like Mitchell keep close tabs on Langner to keep him from getting into too much trouble. Props to you, golf, if you could hold your own with David!!
  10. Langner had a really good last 9 minutes that game. Took both blocked punts in for touchdowns and intercepted bama’s last pass to seal the win.
  11. Played golf with Roger a couple of years ago. He looked good enough to suit up for us still!
  12. Dart is a liability for Ole Miss. His decision making lost their game vs Bammer
  13. Ahahaha. Old 8 win Gus!! Damn, that’s funny
  14. Clemson ain’t winning the title this year. I can promise you that.
  15. Is Bruce coaching or just watching?
  16. Agree. Sorry,23. No disrespect, but your sources haven’t exactly been spot-on in the past
  17. And please fire his sidekick ( NASCAR White) as well!!!!
  18. Wish we could’ve convinced Gordon Sargent ( Mountain Brook grad) to stay home. That kid is a hoss.
  19. Awesome signing class!! Clinard has done a GREAT job! We can compete with anyone in college golf now!
  20. No. We can and should do better. Caddie is not head coach ready. Please think this through , people.
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