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Everything posted by jluvah

  1. You’re not gonna let this go, are you Tigerbelle?
  2. Defense played great in the 2nd half. Left it all on the field. Very proud of their effort
  3. Get Robby out of there. He’s scared to throw it. Give Geriner a chance to be sacked
  4. Gus was taking us down this path, but Harsin made it exponentially worse
  5. Well. Even Caddie can’t make our players good. North Alabama would beat us. We are are probably the 6th best team in the state
  6. If we don’t get pressure on their QB, we will get killed
  7. Truth. Gonna be a long few weeks til we find out who our new coach is
  8. What will it take to get him here? Serious question. How much $ will it take for Deion to say yes to us? I think he’d be worth $10 mil/ year to start for everything he brings to the table
  9. I’m 60. I want Deion. I’ve long since given up the idea that this is about young men getting an education and playing football. It’s about football and we need the best recruiter we can get to compete in the world of minor league football . Deion would be hands down the best at it. If we want to win and win soon we need Jimmy’s and Joe’s. This hire should be a no brainer. The other candidates would be good, too. But not on the scale of Deion. Winning cures all ills. If we hire Freeze and he wins, no one will say” yeah, but he hired hookers and DM’d an assault victim”
  10. Auburn really needs to pull the trigger on Deion. It’s about recruiting and Deion will attract the attention of elite recruits. That will also take away some of the elites Bama and Uga have been getting without having to worry about us getting them. Deion has also proven to be a disciplinarian and is old school in his coaching. This is as “can’t miss” as it gets for me. What do we have to lose that the other candidates can offer that he can’t?
  11. Let’s give it a few games before we predict a flame out, too! Wow
  12. We need Jimmys and Joes. Let’s get Deion and let him do work. It’s all about recruiting and the portal now. War damn minor league football!
  13. Well, looks like our next coach will let his second string quarterback throw the ball. That’s encouraging.
  14. Had 7 guys blocking 3, and 2 got in to flush Robby out in about 1.5 seconds. Stellar!!
  15. Bryce Young would look below average at Auburn
  16. You mean exactly what Gus used to do? Eye candy, then hand off up the middle?
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