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Everything posted by casatiger

  1. If they go to UGA then they have to go to Knoxville and Tuscaloosa. NCAA does not want to open that can of worms. Whistling while looking the other way emoji would be appropriate but I dont do emojis
  2. I wish there was a video compilation of some of his blocks this year. He just dominates the opponent unlike anyone I have seen in a while. They spotlight him occasionally, but not enough.
  3. Just when I thought they were dead. Go Braves!!
  4. Wow. Ok Braves, time to knock open the door of opportunity. They need to sweep the Nats. Philly is playing so poorly they might even be able to take one from them, two would be a miracle.
  5. Well, it's not over buy the fat lady is clearing her throat. I am barely a fan of baseball, but love to see the Bravos do well. I hate they are playing so poorly, but St. Louis appears to be the better team right now.
  6. I am afraid the Braves are gonna miss the playoffs. They are choking out.
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