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Everything posted by Quietmaninthecorner

  1. I would suggest the reason is that, historically, our fans trash our QBs before they even have a chance to settle in and learn. We are hyper-critical. We expect a QB to be great from play one of game one. If not we demand the QB gets benched for another QB. or just trashed on the internet. immediately. I was embarrassed by the way some Auburn fans treated Nix before he decided to transfer. Very few QBs have come through Auburn since Tuberville have been accepted long enough to gain a large % of fan support. The rest eventually transfer, get time and fan support and do very well at other schools. At this point there is no easy fix. CHF knew what we had at QB and brought in the best QB transfer he could get. I still think our QB situation is serviceable and not 100% the problem. unfortunately the QB issues are compounded with all the other issues we have. (techniques/ knowing the playbook/ fundamentals, etc) most of our issues are small. ALL of which can be overcome. there is just a shitload of them spread out across the whole team.
  2. Maybe I should change my name to Nostradamusinthecorner LOL
  3. so you are saying your head is too big for the avatar? j/k WDE
  4. An improvement in the fundamentals and techniques of football. Line up correctly Run correct routes Hold the ball correctly high and tight. in the correct hand. finger placement. proper footwork/ hand work/ polished specific techniques and moves etc. Anything else will just be dressing. Can we really learn much from stats vs Samford?
  5. Tank was an extremely good back. To me, Tank was exceptional before his injury, but since the injury, I have thought Jaquez was a better all around back.
  6. I still like Hunter as #1. Cobb #2 DA #3 As a side note, do we have a package of Sean Jackson and Battie together in the backfield? One of the leagues largest RBs and one of the leagues quickest/squirmiest RBs. Someone will get a mismatch.
  7. Sorry for the ear worm, But Asante needs his own Chant. ANY IDEAS? May be a real musician can come up with better lyrics. This will get stuck in opponents heads all game. It's difficult to hear this and not get this stuck in your head. When a turf hits your eye like a big pizza pie That's ASANTA When you see stars in your eyes like you've had too much wine That's ASANTA
  8. Sorry for the ear worm, But Asante needs his own Chant. ANY IDEAS? May be a real musician can come up with better lyrics. This will get stuck in opponents heads all game. It's difficult to hear this and not get this stuck in your head. When a turf hits your eye like a big pizza pie That's ASANTA When you see stars in your eyes like you've had too much wine That's ASANTA Listen if you enjoy ear worms...
  9. The game is one thing, I wasn't feeling so great during the game either, but to me CHF looked sincerely/legitamately ill all night including pregame.
  10. So, he didn't want to play in your dad's embarrassing offense defense. Some players asked your incompetent dad if they could transfer out of Auburn completely specifically to not play in your dads crappy offense defense
  11. Did anyone else think Freeze looked like he had the flu or something? The way the game played out, a lot of us felt a little queasy, but CHF looked like he legitimately had the flu all day.
  12. Jet lag is a real thing and the change in daylight biological times have some effect, but these are 18-23 year old kids. Virtually all of them stay up really late playing video games and/or dicking around on the internet. They really do not have good sleeping habits to begin with. A game that goes until 1:00 am by their body clock is not that big of a deal. Telling a collage age kid they have to stay up late is an easy sell. Now going the other way... lets hope in 2024 we return the favor by having an 11:00am kick off when Cal comes to Auburn. That's , what? , an 9:00am kickoff by their body clock. Their guys will have to get up in the wee hours of the morning (body clock time) to play. Sell that to your collage age son. LOL
  13. Make it a point to go. It is great fort all ages,. It is life changing for kids.
  14. Hell I have some worries about U Mass. Not so much their team, but first game jitters for ours, communication confusion, a few not fully understanding the playbook yet. new pressure with new teammates at a new school, etc. U Mass now has a game under their belt as a" new team" to have those wrinkles ironed out. It is their only advantage, but I have seen some screwed up things happen in first games. Enough to make me worry about a first game against anyone. Add to that I have not seen one AU practice, just highlights and opinions on the net. I have read about but have never seen more than 50%+ of our players play. so I honestly have no Idea what to expect. I do not expect a loss. I do not expect a close game. I do expect it to be closer than makes me feel all comfy (AU by 20). I hope for, but do not expect a 60 point total blowout.
  15. I agree. I don't think Gr8 was claiming otherwise unless it happened way earlier in the thread. I am just catching up for the day, so I am skimming a lot of posts. WDE DAG.
  16. I thought his point was - in todays transferable world, a team, like ours (and Umass) can be vastly different than the years before. I didn't feel he was worried about Auburn vs U Mass. Like all of us, hoping the change is drastic and for the good. The similarities are how much a team can now change from year to year.
  17. Generation Z was born between 1995 and 2012, whereas Millennials were born between 1981 and 1996 The Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary defines Generation Z as "the generation of people born in the LATE 1990s and early 2000s."
  18. Gen X delt with Viet Nam for their first 13 8 years , then invasion of Grenada, Korean DMZ Conflict, Cambodian Civil War, other small conflicts , and were still early 20's and serving in the Gulf War. The oldest Gen Z was under 5 years old when 911 happened. most were not even born yet.
  19. Committing, flipping, flipping again, recommitting, looking around , Flipping . I feel it is happening more now because we (NCAA football) are recruiting younger and younger players and HARD SELLING them on committing. NIL has exacerbated the situation but we will see younger players and more of them that commit too early for whatever reason then flip around for a while. They have 2 years to do this. Think about how "what you thought was cool" changed between getting your drivers license and graduation day. SOOOOOO much can happen between the end of their sophomore year in high school and after graduation when they actually show up on campus. Some typical reasons for flipping: a major shift in friends and peers, other coaches creepin' on already committed players, best friend and team mate commit somewhere else, bigger name schools start to notice and move in, a run in with the right booster(s), family pressure, hot girlfriend finally decides on a school, major life changing event (best high school field goal kicker I ever saw BAR NONE quit football his JR year when his dad died.), change in perception of a coach or staff... trouble... drugs... Over two years out! For the players that is typically the 2 years(16-18) when they start to drive, hang with new peers, start dealing with peer pressure, they see drugs and beer at parties, SEX, they notice how much more money everyone else SEEMS to have. Some make it through all that. Some figure out where they feel they honestly fit in and flip . Some bow to influences and flip. They are too young to be making these life changing decisions and it is getting worse.
  20. LOL. Those pictures cant be of the same guy! Pic 1: This guy helps little old ladies cross the street. Pic 2: This guy pushes old ladies into traffic then taunts them after they get hit by a car.
  21. "JC Hart Doo doo-doo -doo-doo doo-do. JC Hart Doo doo-doo -doo-doo doo-do. JC Hart Doo doo-doo -doo-doo doo-do ". "Jay Fair, Jay Fair, He's here! He's there! He's everyf*cking where! Jay Fair! Jay Fair, He's here! He's there! He's everyf*cking where! "
  22. I expect them not to wear half pants in games. Could be regular size blue pants tho. I kind of hope not. I'm not a fan of matching pants and jerseys. Makes players look like 1975 Elvis.
  23. I am not going to pick just for the sake of picking. My picks have been chosen. Besides, I am not sure I am secure enough in my sexuality to post it.
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