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Posts posted by kd4au

  1. 37 minutes ago, aujeff11 said:

    There is a Baylor commit that is a wee bit faster. 

    Florida went through a speed kills phase after Tebow left and it ended up harming their offense as they didn’t have much of a deep threat as all of their offensive weapons were quick twitch. I like WRs like Hastings, Worm, and what not, but they probably won’t offer much help at stretching the field. The Schwartz guy is fast but we don’t know he reacts toward the press and we don’t know how much of his speed is straight line speed. Offensive attack has to be more diverse imo.

    With the way Gus likes to throw deep we need a guy with this speed to stretch the field. Like Sammie. Don't think we have a WR with this type speed. And I don't know how fast he is or who is the fastest, I was going on what was in some previous post.

  2. 8 hours ago, TAYLORKEETON said:

    I wish I didn’t have so much emotion invested into our team because it literally drains me

    Now you get why we didn't beat uga last night. They were emotionally drained from playing two really tough games in the three weeks before, plus we had several key injuries.

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  3. 4 hours ago, selias said:

    I remember thinking during the game that if the play was reversed, it would've been a TD because Stidham would have been able to get his feet under him and drive into the throw. I'm not a coach of any sort so I didn't say anything at the time :)

    The TV guys said he threw it 60 yards into a strong wind.

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  4. 5 hours ago, JMR said:

    I did not plan on doing one of these this week. I thought Mercer might make a game of it, but honestly didn't think the game would be worth trying to write about. But, since I didn't have electrical power to do one after the Clemson game, here's an abbreviated version of things I noticed during the Mercer game.....

    • In the interest of full disclosure, I'm nowhere near a QB coach. But we are all justifiably interested in what's going on with Jarrett Stidham, and I'm no exception. Stidham throws a beautiful ball. But it's obviously taking too long much of the time. It's nearly impossible to watch the wide receivers on pass plays without access to the All 22 tape. I honestly can't tell if there are receivers open, what kind of routes are being run, etc. But yesterday, there were numerous times when an Auburn receiver was extremely wide open when Stidham threw to them. I had a couple of thoughts as the game went along, and they are unfortunately only guesses. 1. I suspect that Stidham has been coached to death on not turning the ball over. If we think back to Nick Marshall's first year at AU, he came in with a reputation for throwing interceptions in junior college. Gus Malzahn drilled that out of him, to the point Marshall was prone to pull the ball down and use his considerable running ability more often than he probably had to. 2. The receivers are not running precise routes. I base that supposition on input I got from a former Auburn WR who told me last week, "those guys wouldn't know a precise route if it hit 'em in the face". I don't know if that's true, but for whatever reason, it's often taking an inordinate amount of time for the ball to leave Stidham's hand.
    • Dropped passes continue to be a problem. Stidham has the accuracy to throw the ball into very tight windows, but sometimes that requires a little extra juice on the ball. Our wide receivers have dropped enough balls this season that it looks to me like Stidham is taking something off the ball much of the time.
    • The Stidham interception was, in my opinion, on Nate Craig-Myers. NCM gave up on the ball and allowed the defender to go around him on a slant route, which has got to be hard to actually do.
    • Auburn's offensive line was "average" in the game, which I'd translate to "poor", given the difference in talent and depth between AU and Mercer. Mercer's defensive linemen won around half the individual battles up front, and that's inexcusable for Auburn to let happen. I guess the good news is that after giving up 11 sacks to Clemson last week, we only gave up one to Mercer. That puts us at an average of 5 per game for the season.
    • I think we actually saw the "Chip Lindsey Offense" this week. Can't be sure, of course, but the numbers indicate that Lindsey was heavily involved in calling the game. For example, Auburn threw the ball on first down 16 times, and ran it 18 times. Unfortunately, of the 18 run plays, Kamryn Pettway carried the ball on 17. That seems a little overly predictable, and leads me to believe Lindsey was pretty conservative, whatever the reason.
    • I've been curious to see what Herb Hand's plan was for an injury to a starting offensive lineman. When Darius James went down, Casey Dunn came in at center, and Austin Golson moved to right tackle. No way to know if that same plan will apply if a starter at another OL position is injured, but I suspect that would be a good bet, since Golson can play pretty much any position.
    • The Auburn turnovers, led by the wide receiver group, were pretty much all about ball security. Lack of discipline, and lack of attention to detail. I didn't see a single "he put his hat on the ball" type situation where a fumble is virtually unavoidable.
    • I don't try to keep stats, but I'd be surprised if Auburn's running game on a per-play basis is not worse than last year. The offensive line, with the occasional exception of Braden Smith, is not moving defenders off the line of scrimmage, and Kamryn Pettway is slow enough to the hole that "overhang" defenders are able to collapse down and make tackles in the B gap.
    • Stephen Roberts appeared to have another very strong game at safety. I was a little disappointed in the Auburn corners, going against a freshman quarterback and "decent" receivers. We will certainly see better passing games than Mercer brought to Auburn, possibly as early as this week vs Mizzou.
    • The Auburn defensive line, the heart of our defense, was "good, not great" in this one, failing to generate a single sack.
    • Speaking of sacks, Mercer got their lone sack via a delayed blitz, with every blocker occupied and no one to pick up the extra rusher in the middle. I'm not sure what, if anything, is going on with the AU passing game and "hot receivers", but that part of the game needs work.
    • Not sure what is going on with Chandler Cox in terms of offensive utilization. Cox came out of high school with a reputation as an excellent receiver, and I may have forgotten, but I don't recall him being targeted a single time this season.
    • Speaking of "offensive utilization", I'm curious about what is going on with the Auburn running backs. I have no dog in the fight, but I thought Kam Martin did pretty well in the opening game. I thought Devan Barrett was very close to breaking a couple of big plays this week, if he'd learn to pick his feet up. I don't understand why we are running the offense as if Pettway is the only running back on the roster. Whether it's his ankle, or something else, he looks slower to the hole than last year. Regardless, a change of pace in terms of speed/quickness would seem like a good thing now and then.
    • The turnovers had a huge impact on the score in the game, but in the "hidden yardage" category, so did special teams. Roberts looked good on punt returns, but the unit as a whole is not generating explosive plays to give the offense a short field, and that has a major impact on points scored.

    War Eagle!

    All good points and I saw the same things, can someone please send this to Gus. And JMR would you be interested in a coaching job at Auburn if Gus were to get fired(I mean when he gets fired)? I hear it pays really well.

  5. 1 minute ago, McLoofus said:

    Been trying to tell y'all. We should've seen 2012 coming, and it wasn't Loeffler's fault. 

    I for one never blamed all the problems on him or Chizik either. Chizik may turn out to be right about Gus and his offense in the long run. The main problem was trying to change offenses without the players to run that offense and the players not buying into the new system. JMO

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