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Cardin Drake

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Everything posted by Cardin Drake

  1. Sounds like you think we should get a transfer PG instead of Pettiford..well, that's not a good plan.
  2. I'm a little more sympathetic to CBM after looking at the play that led up to this. The Yale player did almost the exact same thing to him, but it was a hand to the throat instead of an elbow to the chest. Regardless, CBM has to be too smart to retaliate like he did. I like the passion that CBM plays with, and the very fact that we couldn't beat Yale without him says a lot about his value to the team. CBM is going to get baited a lot next year, and he's going to have a target on his back with the refs. It will be a challenge for both CBM and Pearl to deal with it. I'm rooting for him. The kid is quite a player, but he is going to have to get more mature if he wants to reach his potential.
  3. Tai Buster. He's gonna make the all-name team for sure.
  4. Not that long ago a trillion dollar annual deficit was unthinkable. This year it will be $2.5 trillion. About $7000 for every citizen. (not taxpayer). It is unsustainable and WILL result in inflation like we have never seen before. It is an existential threat to the poor and middle class.
  5. Brilliant insight by Oates. Why didn't we think of that? Nobody at Auburn is aware that CBM should make better decisions at NCAA tournament time. I guess if you are going to push another team's player, kicking another team's player while he's down is fair game too. And maybe Sears should play defense too while he's out there for 40 minutes. Oates is a complete asshat.
  6. I think think this is true. CBM may be our best player, and the gap between him and his backup is the largest on the team. Very hard to replace. It's hard to overstate what a disaster this loss is. We need CBM back next year healthy and with a good attitude. That's going to be tough now with everyone blaming him for the loss. This loss is bound to affect team chemistry and the chemistry between the team and fans. Pearl needs to do one heck of a coaching job in the offseason. I do think OP nailed it. Pearl is a player's coach, and I like that about him, but this situation was brewing for a while. And Murphy's law, when it bit us, it bit us bad.
  7. Well, in fairness to Bruce, we do have the #1 rated PG coming in next year.
  8. Ah, can't watch it but he is invisible in halftime stats.
  9. Yeah, but I thought he might come back. Have they said anything definitively. Losing him hurts. Gotta gut it up and finish.
  10. What's up with Jaylin? Is he out for the game?
  11. Crazy talk coming from a far right madman. No wonder the left hates him so much now.
  12. Trump is not the answer to spending, unfortunately.
  13. Texas vs. Tennessee will be interesting. Rick Barnes was run out of Austin because he couldn't win at tournament time. Tennessee fans know the feeling for sure.
  14. We'll know what to do if we lose to Yale. String him up.
  15. I don't believe I said that. Conspiracy and hoax are strong words. It's more like you get what you pay for. If you want to be a climate scientist and have your work be funded, you are aware of what your research needs to show. The topic is beyond boring. You can't be convinced, and neither can I. However, there is some mutual overlap. I'd like to see the demand for oil reduced, not because of global warming, but because OPEC is not our friend. I just don't see any serious thought behind the solutions proposed by the left. How do you move away from fossil fuels intelligently without hamstringing your own economy? Nuclear is the only solution we have now. Instead we are cutting nuclear and coal and making ourselves more dependent on natural gas every day. That's great as long as there is no disruption in supply and the price is low. Neither can be guaranteed long term. There's no cost/benefit analysis or risk analysis, or overall plan. Meanwhile China builds a new coal plant every week.
  16. LOL, here's the ABC link that ABC uses to label the story false. It pretty much conclusively shows that what Trump is saying about the flights is true: SAN DIEGO -- In his Super Tuesday victory speech, former President Donald Trump elevated false information that had gone viral on social media, claiming the Biden administration secretly flew hundreds of thousands of migrants into the United States. Many post sharing the claim referred to a report by the Center for Immigration Studies, a group that advocates for immigration restrictions. It said the administration refused to list individual airports where people arrived under a Biden “parole” program that allows Cubans, Haitians, Nicaraguans and Venezuelans to stay in the U.S. for two years. U.S. Customs and Border Protection each month publishes the number of migrants admitted under the program by nationality. This information is available on its website and in press releases. It does not list arriving airports. Trump said during his speech, “Today it was announced that 325,000 people were flown in from parts unknown - migrants were flown in airplane, not going through borders ... It was unbelievable. I said that must be a mistake. They flew 325,000 migrants. Flew them in over the borders and into our country." But migrants are not being flown into the U.S. randomly. Under a Biden policy in effect since January 2023, up to 30,000 people from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua and Venezuela can enter the country monthly if they apply online with a financial sponsor and arrive at a specified airport, paying their own way. Biden exercised his “parole” authority, which, under a 1952 law, allows him to admit people “only on a case-by-case basis for urgent humanitarian reasons or significant public benefit.” Here's a closer look. CLAIM: The Biden administration has secretly flown more than 300,000 unvetted migrants into the country. THE FACTS: An article published on Monday by the Center for Immigration Studies examined a major example of how Biden has exercised his parole authority for Cubans, Haitians, Nicaraguans and Venezuelans. Each month, U.S. Customs and Border Protection discloses how many people from these four countries were allowed to enter the country. On Jan. 26, the agency reported 327,000 were vetted and authorized for travel. There were more than 67,000 Cubans, 126,000 Haitians, 53,000 Nicaraguans and 81,000 Venezuelans. The Center for Immigration Studies article says CBP approved flights that brought 320,000 to the United States last year. The author, Todd Bensman, learned they came to 43 airports but the government refused to divulge which ones, citing an exemption under the Freedom of Information Act for law enforcement-sensitive information. Bensman said Wednesday that he doesn't consider the program secretive, but finds it “enigmatic" and lacking in transparency.” The migrants are not coming in from “parts unknown,” as Trump charged. CBP vets each one for eligibility and publishes the number of airport arrivals from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua and Venezuela. Social media posts, including one by Elon Musk's, charge that the administration is doing this to bring in voters. But people admitted into the country under parole have no path to citizenship. They can obtain work permits for a limited time but voters must be U.S. citizens. Biden has exercised parole authority far more than any of his predecessors, which Trump calls “an outrageous abuse” that he will end if returned to the White House. Biden has granted entry — by land or air — to at least 1 million people using parole, not just the 327,000 who flew from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua or Venezuela though December. Angelo Fernández Hernández, a White House spokesperson, said Wednesday that reports of secretly flying people into the country were “categorically false” and that Cubans, Haitian, Nicaraguans and Venezuelans were “thoroughly screened.” The Trump campaign and Musk representatives did not immediately respond to requests for comment Wednesday.
  17. Full disclosure: You can count me among the skeptics who think that whatever warming has occurred is not outside the realm of natural variation. Still, the more interesting question is what to do about it. Right now, the solutions all seem awfully, well, scammy. Biden's 1.2 trillion green con job is doing almost nothing to solve the problems. It's a transfer of wealth that amounts to about $4000 per citizen going to insiders, connected politicians and democrat donors. What are we getting for it? 1.2 trillion would buy enough nuclear power plants to make a real dent in carbon emissions. If it's a serious problem, make a serious solution. Don't just fund hundreds of Solydras. And you know when I'll believe that all those politicians flying in private jets to global warming conferences actually believe there is a problem. When they start insisting on making global warming conferences into zoom calls and start advocating for a 100% tax on jet fuel for private planes.
  18. The seeding sucks and had we beat Tennessee and Kentucky to win the tournament it might be different. We are where we are and the truth is we haven't beat anybody of note on the national stage this year except for Bama at home. I'm happy we may have a shot at UConn. Win that one and all the talk goes away, and then UConn can go home and talk about their lousy seed. I can't get too worked up about Yale, but you have to respect anybody who is here and be ready to play. If we get by that one, it is very sobering to realize that San Diego State is rated higher in KenPom (21, just ahead of Kansas) than anybody we have beaten this year, outside of Bama. We better bring our A game or we'll be going home after that one.
  19. Thread title...bad karma...ugg...bad juju...nooooooooooooo
  20. Finally, some Kool-aid. Just sipping it for now.
  21. Coach power rankings, lol. Makes sense if you have a throw-down wrestling match before the game and the winner gets 3 points. In that case, my money's on Sam Pittman, and they have the rankings all wrong. Otherwise, it's the kind of garbage you get when the football news is slow.
  22. It's tough to drink the Kool-aid when nobody's making any.
  23. Watching Japan is instructive. They are just a little further down debt cliff than we are. They are a good predictor of the future. https://rumble.com/v4jzy46-its-official-japan-is-in-stagflation-for-the-first-time-since-the-1970s.html
  24. We are #4 in Kenpom and #5 in Net Rankings. That ain't supposed to happen to the #1 overall seed in the Sweet 16, assuming we both get there.
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