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Everything posted by AUDub

  1. Logan cuts a pretty good heel promo lol.
  2. “You remind me of my daughter” that seems…unhealthy
  3. In hindsight my only complaint about the match was Cody kicking out of the Burning Hammer at 1. Just a small one but that’s a move that probably should remain protected as all get out. Hell there’s really only one guy I’d trust to do it safely on the WWE roster right and that’s AJ. Meanwhile Ilja and Ricochet tore the house down with a spot monkey match just now. It was exactly what it needed to be.
  4. I’ll be hearing “SIMPLEMENT DEUX” in my sleep tonight and I’m not mad about it lol. Jeez wish we could get crowds like that here.
  5. It was one of those crowds that would pop for a side headlock. Memorable as s*** show.
  6. Great match. AJ is the perfect first choice for Cody’s first defense. Not that Cody isn’t incredible but AJ is one of those that could get 3* match out of a broom. Add in the crowd makes it an amazing main event.
  7. The crowd is making this middling PPV one to remember.
  8. An entire arena doing fireflies for Jey’s walkout is a sight to see.
  9. Looking forward to the PPV in the morning. Don’t expect anything too shocking but it’ll be a good time.
  10. Fun Smackdown. Crowd was on point. French fans really enjoyed themselves.
  11. The “journalists” are promoting. Full stop.
  12. The days of Russell Athletic and Umbro are done. Nike and fanduel are the safest fastest route to profit now. It is what it is.
  13. fast cheap good. pick two. Watch that video above and the why of it is obvious. So much money got left on the table during Linsanity that it will never be allowed to happen again lol.
  14. I saw this video a few weeks ago and it’s a good rundown of what’s going on in MLB with Fanatics/Nike
  15. Always love watching this promo because you can tell Jey is literally in hell trying to hold it in.
  16. I too like to make stuff up and assert it’s what’s really happening.
  17. Tutwiler is always a funny place to go for work. Always tell the guys “if you’re ever feeling unattractive go take a service call there. You’ll be the belle of the ball” lol.
  18. Wrestling is about stories. “Why are these guys fighting. Why should I care? Who’s the bad guy and who’s the good guy?” These things matter and until Tony figures that out AEW will continue to whither.
  19. Disagree. Ospreay was having matches against his own stablemates and cutting promos on Triple H. Wha? There was practically 0 effort to build the matchup. I’ve used the phrase “heatless bangers” before and I meant it. This is the ur-example.
  20. It was a good match. Hell it was even a great match. But do these “journalists” have their heads so far up their own asses that it’s automatically the greatest match on American soil ever, and they make that call mere moments after it ends? I just don’t freaking get it. It was good. Was it better than Flair/Steamboat or Austin/Michaels? What?
  21. I’ve never actually seen the movies. I’d snapped out of it before they came out. I did finish the book series though.
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