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Proud Tiger

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Everything posted by Proud Tiger

  1. How is being near the bottom of the SEC OK?
  2. Do you mean with AU fans or at AU?
  3. So we didn't get anybody today? Amazing and sad.
  4. Only he knows the answer and anything else after 34 pages is just more speculation.
  5. Here ya go: Harsin discussed Derek Mason and Austin Davis leaving Auburn - al.com
  6. Bring on Cam as OC. That would get lots of good publicity and maybe some good players. We could sure do worse right now.
  7. The "discussion" with Kirby involved some issues on both sides.
  8. I hope cbo sees this re. communications. Maybe he will react differently to you.
  9. You lose and I didn't answer when you called😁
  10. Thanks. But I guess he has some family he wants to be with or he is a liar. There are other reasons he could have used. His statement seems genuine to me but heck who am I to question cbo What's your take?
  11. I hope prime never sets foot on the AU campus.
  12. That's funny considering all the recent negative posts by some here about the PTB being too involved.
  13. So you want the PTB with the big bucks to get more involved?
  14. Read his own words this MORNING. Austin Davis steps down as Auburn’s offensive coordinator due to ‘personal reasons’ - al.com
  15. Reading all this thread it seems that it sure would have helped things if Harsin or our SID had issued a PR yesterday saying Davis was leaving and why. Would have cutout a lot of rumor and negative garbage.
  16. The ego crowd is too busy wiping egg away.
  17. Considering Harsin was Greene's hand picked guy I would guess his fate rests on how things turn out with Harsin. Overall our sports are in good shape but FB is still king. As I recall rumor had it that he interviewed for the USCw AD job so he could very well abandon ship before Harsin's fate is known. I seriously doubt Dr. Roberts is going to visibly get involved in any AD mess right away. He is most likely rely on the General for that.
  18. Rumor has it there is a QB in Eugene, OR who is glad he decided to transfer there.
  19. I'm sure Phillip Marshall will explain it all in the morning
  20. Amazing how quick the rats are to bail out of a sinking ship.
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