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AUld fAUx@

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Everything posted by AUld fAUx@

  1. TGIStillSummer Be careful out there (assuming, of course, you choose to go out there)
  2. LA = Louisiana? or LA = Lower Ala? either way, forgot to say (in my previous) "Howd'ja do, howd'ja do, howd'ja do?"
  3. Oh me, oh my "down that way" meaning Opelika area? (best I can tell, site of still and bottling) "down that way" meaning the state? (where ABC green-fronts are) "down that way" meaning my way? Y'all come any way but, if the last, please warn me so I can bake a cake*. *As I've said somewhere, my baking is the pits, but, with advance notice, I can do something.
  4. No earthly idea as to distribution, except that I found it at the green-front.
  5. Most probably not relevant here (I spend a good time out of my depth in this forum). Mentioned some time ago, mostly because it's the 1st legal Ala. booze I've ever met. Single malt that refuses to announce itself as any known (to me) whiskey variety. Smooth as any blended Canadian or Tennessee "sippin'" I've met, and easy to shoot neat, but way more flavorful.That flavor, though is only subtly smoky and not the least peaty, and doesn't quite fit any expected varietal profile. Since I first met it (at a local restaurant), I've bought a bottle. I really don't drink much whiskey in the summertime, but I've had a few occasions (including as I type) to sip a bit this year.
  6. Timely (seasonal), but also my nightly lullaby for the kids growing up. I, of course, always reversed "mama" and "daddy" in the 1st verse so the little darlings felt comfortably at home.
  7. Must admit, from looks I would have predicted he/she was a bass.
  8. This (below reposted, as always hereinafter, without apology) cut from Words of Earnest, by use of more concise writing, improved arranging, and (not insignificantly) addition of a horn blower or two, was able to capture important themes from the ^above^ into a shorter, more direct, and much more fun piece.
  9. Many, many thanks for your reminder (poetic justice, of a sort) of our earlier discussion of Goose Creek geography. I remember it well, along with an older comment (McLoofus, I think?) that the band sounded like a "post-seminary Little Feat" (or something like that). What I didn't remember was which (of the many good) cuts I'd previously posted. I think this album (Words of Earnest) is, by far, the best they ever produced. Their earlier stuff showed spark, inspiration, and skills, but hadn't yet matured. Fr'instance, this one off their second album was pretty good, but took forever to develop.
  10. All alone. Wife (bless her heart) went home to her mother*. Got a hankering to post this but, for the life of me, couldn't remember if I'd done so before. Realized I didn't give a rat's hind end. All in all, kind'a liberating. [* No thing, just family duties. She detests being around me much less than she does with her mother, and is on her way back.]
  11. Only seen'em once, but have several albums. Actually pretty good crowd/party background.
  12. One of Fairhope's occasionals/ seasonals this summer and worthy of mention. "Stuck on the 280" is described as a (hazy, golden, imperial in no particular order) IPA, featuring Citra hops (my 1st knowing run-in with them). Over my extended holiday weekend, I learned to change my IPA drinking habits a bit (for this one). IPA's, in general, have always been the ultimate thirst quenchers (so good at cutting any heat/humidity-generated throat films), and my style has always been to slug it and depend on belch-back to review/analyze the hops. This stuff taught me to slow down (I actually took 2-hrs to kill my last 1-qt crowler) and keep my nose involved throughout. Good stuff, but probably not worth a drive down unless you're on your way anyway. If you are in the neighborhood,while it's still available, try it but please don't overly laud it. The propriator has a history of turning popular brews into "bottles only" and increasing the price.
  13. Repost, but Aqualung seems incomplete w./o Crosseyed Mary. Kind'a miss her.
  14. TBH, I'm gaining an increased wariness of heights as my strength wanes and my twitch muscles (especially in the toes) lose twitchiness. As the summer goes on, I'll show you some absolutely beautiful (if not, in the least,pretty) spiders.
  15. Shoot! Really thought I'd telegraphed that one sufficiently, but I'm still trying to master comedic timing in text format. An elephant.
  16. I hope that you, as the OP here, have not been offended by the OT drift your thread has often taken. I'd very much like to extend that drift, sticking to the old-joke path, but wandering further, to other animals, and into the elephant-joke genre. It was a big thing in my childhood, but my children heard few from anyone but me, and it may well not still be a thing at all. For any not familiar, jokes were generally in riddle format, and often depended upon some level of a play on words. My favorite was, "What's gray and comes in quarts?"
  17. and mice as well? One might be tempted to try to arrange for a boarder in the laundry room.
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