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Everything posted by PUB78

  1. PUB78


    Well, he carped the bed on that TD pass. Too bad because the D had played a great game until that point.
  2. And the sloppy appearance of 80% of their fan base.
  3. Indeed it has. Like a revolving door now with the rosters.
  4. T A & M has interviewed the UTSA coach.
  5. I think Saban had the #1 recruiting class in the nation after his first season.
  6. It’s such a shame that all the good will, confidence and optimism this coaching staff and team built over the past three games crashed and burned yesterday. Freeze will never live this down just like Saban is still reminded occasionally on his ULM loss in 2007. Far as I am concerned, HF is back to square one with the Auburn family. Let’s see how he responds against Bammer, the early signing date and the bowl game.
  7. There is no way to spin this, today was a colossal failure by the coaching staff and team. They were totally humiliated on their own field. Auburn fans and alumni have a right to be embarrassed and outraged. It will be a long, long time before the memories of this disaster fades. With that said, tomorrow will be another day and hope for better in the future will resume.
  8. I think Montgomery is totally toast at the end of the season. Not so sure about the DC. Besides this game and against LSU, the D has played well.
  9. He should be on his knees asking forgiveness and another chance from the Auburn nation.
  10. Surely it can’t be any worse days in the future for Auburn football.
  11. I can’t remember a worse loss in relation to the quality of opponents. Sure, Auburn has lost many games by more than 21 points, but never by any where this much when such a heavy favorite.
  12. No, hard work, determination , a positive attitude and personal responsibility are major factors in being successful.
  13. New poll shows that 20% of Democrats support Hamas over Israel. I am very surprised that it is that low. I can’t get the link to post from my phone.
  14. Yep! Sowell doesn’t follow the expected black narrative, so he is hated for being intelligent, conservative and independent.
  15. I think I need to do the same!!
  16. Just curious if any of you have had any of your Auburn items vandalized? I noticed today after returning home from Church that my orange Auburn tag on the front of the car was missing. I asked my wife and she said when she and our daughter returned to the car from Christmas Village at the BJCC they saw it had been busted in several locations. This is the 2nd time I have had a car tag damaged. About 10 years ago in Hoover, we were shopping with friends and I saw two men stoop down in front of my car trying to tear off the Auburn tag. By the time I got outside, they were gone.
  17. Another scary example. https://wng.org/opinions/a-coercive-secular-hegemony-1698873119?mkt_tok=NzEwLVFSUi0yMDkAAAGPLyiCRUSJeiMz26f1dt8BFnbwqH-N3TL8uRR2XPepAcAdZByLAg_60vpKKqztDUWpP2rL-7kpPaMWYjil3a6hWzt-EVDIRqhU-6gtpY0flLst
  18. https://wng.org/opinions/pull-the-fire-alarm-the-new-house-speaker-dares-to-be-a-christian-1698667198?mkt_tok=NzEwLVFSUi0yMDkAAAGPIEZKk5S02we6xVv_JqJkRRWNbLlhVeNb7Y8TA_BL1YLsTFpmzD7vrFk_yCueLnCWnjjaDNFAAeuIrQk9IgR8bUIohTFC7K-JZoH9bxP7ECyZ
  19. You nailed it!!! Exciting 1st half, but a truly lack luster 2nd half. Thankful for the win and hope Auburn gets 3-4 more!
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