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Everything posted by dyehardfanAU

  1. The moral high ground posters always give me a chuckle. SEC football is shark infested waters and unless we play the game we won't navigate them. I'd prefer not to be a mediocre program any longer and if we stay on this path we're going to continue to fall farther and farther behind.
  2. I'm sure he has learned his lesson and will use a burner phone going forward. As to his rule violations, it's legal to pay players now.
  3. No, there's not. If Urban wants to come on board you welcome him with open arms and a fat stack of NIL cash. Freeze I wouldn't put above 4th or 5th on my list though, but it has less to do with his "morality" and more to do with his style of offense. He would still be a major upgrade over anything we've had since 2017 though.
  4. Can they win football games? I'm not looking to hire a church youth group leader, I'm looking for someone that can build a championship level program.
  5. You may be right on that, I will admit to just skimming it hastily. I can still hope that he was just hired as his assistant to be in place to move up when McGlynn moves on though. 😀
  6. According to JGT, McGlynn was directly responsible for a lot of the FUD that shaped Harsin's view on the utilization of NIL and has been a hold up in AU embracing a collective. I believe he would be a horrible hire at the juncture we're at and would negatively impact our trajectory going forward. He has never realized that in this day and age the Compliance departments sole responsibility is providing plausible deniability.
  7. Hopefully this means McGlynn is gone after the new AD is hired but then I realize this is probably JABA.
  8. He'd be my number 1 choice. I'm not an AU fan because i worry about whether the coach is a "good man". I want to win some damn games.
  9. Even in my wildest dreams JABA screws the pooch here because "he's not a good man".
  10. With our lack of OL I would stick with Robby. At least he can avoid the inevitable pressure more often than any other QB on the roster.
  11. I don't disagree but if we hire an AD in the next month we're still in fine shape. It's not like a new HC is going to be hired until after their current season ends in December.
  12. No coaches will be let go before the end of the season outside of Harsin.
  13. Didn't Harsin say he would be calling the plays with Austin as the OC?
  14. I remember when Pat Dye left to go coach at UGA...oh wait...maybe I'm thinking about that time that Vince Dooley left UGA to come to AU...
  15. Let's just pretend you are right. Who cares so long as he leaves the cupboards stocked for the next coach.
  16. Has anyone argued differently? It seems the argument has always been he was not cut out to be an SEC coach. People cared too much about him being a "good man" to can his sorry ass in 2016.
  17. I love this ridiculous assertion. When was the last time a coach left AU for a "better" job? There is zero evidence that this was an eventuality.
  18. It's way too early to write him off or anything but I think a lot of fans have an over-inflated view of what he can help us do right now.
  19. This is good news. He needs another year to develop anyway, he's a bit of a tweener right now.
  20. Good for him, and his parents if they're footing the bill for tuition, room/board, etc.
  21. Sure, 8+ wins by year 2 is a reasonable expectation. That is not how I read the post I was replying though. I took it to mean a coach could have us competing at a high level though one portal class.
  22. I keep seeing people say this and all I can say is that you are fooling yourself.
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