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Everything posted by Potatooooooes!!

  1. "If one of you are gonna get suspended, then you ALL better get suspended!" I'm at a loss myself. I have never seen a coach encourage his players to fight like that. Not publicly at least
  2. How the heck does this even happen? Why would you accept a commitment on the basis you expect someone to transfer? Just stay in touch until you know for sure
  3. I'm very confident in our staff. It's just nice to feel like we have a shot with him and for his recruitment to not just feel hopeless.
  4. You may be right, but I don't think your logic follows. Keeping someone close to the vest to me means they have someone they are talking to, and it's worth keeping them a secret. I would wager there are serious discussions. But again, that's just going off what you're saying they said
  5. He must not have much confidence in our current quarterbacks
  6. That's the question I have for you. Rodney could recruit, but I feel like our dline got manhandled and never really reached their potential, so I wasn't sad to see him go. Is that a correct assessment?
  7. Why do so many articles appear black on dark mode. I can't read anything except hyperlinks since they're in blue. Am I doing something wrong?
  8. Guys... Guys... Guuuyyyyysssss.... Don't do it... resist it..... Fight it....
  9. It will be interesting to see how well he does there
  10. Not sure we have less talent than Ole Miss at this point 😂
  11. For me, it's just interesting when you insult your entire (new) team and tell them to hit the portal because he's "bringing his own luggage, and it's louis vuitton"--only for you to recruit like that. And I say that as someone that wanted him here
  12. It's almost like you should pick the school that is the best fit for you, not who pays you more. Crazy thought.
  13. He committed to Florida, probably more so for the NIL than anything else. If Florida had been honest with him he could have committed elsewhere, but now the spots are gone. Why shouldn't he sue? That's a big deal
  14. I would take what these guys say with a massive grain of salt from now on. Not saying he's wrong. Just saying
  15. I feel like any one of those three would be amazing
  16. I still can't believe we pulled this off. Simply amazing. Such a good addition to our line
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