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Everything posted by SaltyTiger

  1. Free admission to state parks over Memorial Day weekend and no tax on recreational items. Good stuff.
  2. Does his characteristic of “hair” make him some super mammal?
  3. So you are seeing a trade off between premiums, etc. vs higher taxes. Taxation adequate to cover everyone with a base plan. Why are salaried employees required to have a supplemental plan? Seems a younger healthy person regardless of compensation structure would least need it. My biggest problem with the government running anything comes from experience with their contracts. The system can be comfortable when you learn what Ts to cross and I’s to dot but the no decision or inability of decision in “gray areas” is a huge problem. Of course insurance companies can be just as layered in big claims.
  4. Great point Tex. See so many younger people worried and continuing a job they despise over needing health insurance. Also, like the idea of employers not having to use resources. Not such a big deal in our days. Just not clear on how this would work.
  5. Same here with football. Enjoy the game thread with baseball. Slower pace and a good way to pick up on things you may have missed. We just didn’t have a lot anyone cared to talk about this past season.
  6. Do you really think Trump or Biden have the physical energy or cognitive ability given the ages “capable of the doing the job”. You and I both know we can’t come near doing what we could 10 to 20 years ago and I assume you are fit. I have always assumed the presidency to be an extremely high energy job. To the original post I seriously doubt a debate will happen. One will weasel out and not a lot sense in it.
  7. Don’t recall it but if you want to call me moron feel free.
  8. When have I defended slave owners in Alabama or anywhere else? Known since a child that slavery was wrong but I am not going run out and spit on my great grandfathers grave.
  9. Anyone using the Bible to “justify” slavery is simply dead wrong. It is clear in that slavery existed and was away of life in Biblical times. The Bible does not condemn slavery but in other passages make it obvious that slavery is wrong.
  10. Just trying to help you out on fear. That is the type of great guy I am. “ Biblical fear” is clear once you study the Old Testament. No defining or re defining needed. In full agreement with you the blah blah “ judgement day” stuff.
  11. I don’t go to a weekly Bible study and far from being the best Christian. I just try do all people right and do study the Bible.
  12. Don’t know that you were around but I admitted to voting for him in 2016. I was drinking on Election Day. I voted undecided in the last primary. When Desantis threw his name in the hat Brother Homer and company convinced us that he was worse than Trump. Can’t believe you continue bring him up without being jumped.
  13. Fiddy understood and I explained Biblical fear. Briefly and using few words. Read the thread if you missed it. Also faith is impossible to be simply “adopted” and fear is by far not the only motivation.
  14. Order one of the Trump Bibles Fiddy. Little steep at $59.95 plus handling and shipping but include Bill of Rights and the constitution. Bonus is a Lee Greenwood song.
  15. WDE on series win. Mercifully season is over.
  16. I would have never done business with the guy. Can’t believe he had opportunity to bankrupt so many “high profile” projects. Most developers are a bit sketchy iMO. If they can beg investors and borrow they will bulldoze and build. I very much question Trumps ability to manage the debt. Are we to a point were it unmanageable? Seems we need tough decisions and some type of reset.
  17. It is not needed in the sense you are using it (fear). Your opinion and you are welcome to it until you have fulfillment of you “evolutionary purpose”. Of course you really have no idea what motivates others.
  18. Biblical fear in reference to God is awe, wonder, amazement, respect…..
  19. “Superstitious fear”. What are you trying to talk about now Brother Homer? Hopefully you do not understand the Biblical meanings of “fear”?
  20. He is not honestly factual with Trump. Trump has never personally bankrupted. He has been involved with develop ventures that filed. Perfectly legal and often the right thing to do. Not desirable but fairly commonplace with development. With the debt I don’t read anything that says Biden will work on it. https://thehill.com/opinion/finance/4389558-joe-bidens-extremist-spending-is-a-danger-to-the-us/ “The Biden White House dishonestly blames GOP-led tax cuts under Donald Trump for “90% of the debt increase.” For the record: under the Trump administration, the debt went up significantly only after Congress passed relief measures aimed at keeping the COVID-impaired economy afloat. In his first three years, the debt rose by $3.3 trillion — too much, for sure, but nothing compared to the $6.25 trillion jump in debt during Biden’s first three years. And there has been no emergency to excuse Biden’s spending. Here is the truth: Joe Biden’s entire legacy is built on doling out unprecedented amounts of money.” https://www.cnn.com/2023/10/06/politics/fact-check-biden-cut-debt-surplus-corporate-tax-unemployment/index.html https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/columnist/2024/05/14/biden-national-debt-payments-social-security/73670903007/ “The national debt is already at $34 trillion and is quickly hurtling toward $35 trillion (it was roughly $27 trillion when Biden took office). “
  21. WDE! Starting feeling the same as watching us methodically blow a 28 point lead vs Moo State a few years ago. Good to get this series. Son said Butch watched from the parking deck after being tossed.
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