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Everything posted by SaltyTiger

  1. Of course. Pretty laughable ridiculous action from the officer imo. Tulane and Loyola protest yesterday shut down St. Charles for a while. https://www.nola.com/news/education/pro-palestinian-protest-in-new-orleans-on-st-charles-ave/article_8df16a32-0403-11ef-894e-0f2702748fc0.html In sharp contrast to recent campus protests across the country that have led to hundreds of arrests, the police in New Orleans kept their distance and diverted traffic, allowing students to sit in the road while speakers called for the universities to denounce the war in Gaza and divest from Israel. The protesters entered the street at about 12:30 p.m. chanting “Whose streets? Our streets!” and “Free Palestine!” They left at around 1:30 p.m., allowing traffic to resume.
  2. As Brother Homer would say it was obvious that the lady professor slammed to the ground was a “clear and present” danger. Auburn no longer uses our old feared couple of campus police officers. Now handled by Auburn City Police. Know a few of the officers and they say for the most a real cushy duty when they are up. Look at girls and hide over off Lem Morrison to nap. One pulled me over for not wearing a seat belt two years ago. Said he was actually bored and just wanted to talk.
  3. Would help if we knew exactly who you are asking about.
  4. Sorta quit reading and scanned when I got to the “bloodbath” .
  5. Read for the fourth time Brother Homer.
  6. Sure, crap existed long before Trump
  7. Thought the “bloodbath” thing was referring to auto industry. Opinion here reads like it is political violence. He has warned of uprisings, of “bedlam” and a “bloodbath” and he has made clear that he will again be the promoter of this violence,
  8. Don’t think you “hate”. Think your presentation at times puts all Christians into one big bowl. Understand your problems with the church. We probably share a lot of the same thoughts. I am not a “ Bible pointer” by any stretch but doing what I can to understand it. Actually find it fascinating. You have and never will see me direct you to the Bible over something you believe unless specifically asked.
  9. Think it has but I am old and forgetful. Think the birther actually stirred from Hannity and the likes.
  10. Guess you are spending the evening with Fiddy?
  11. https://thehill.com/blogs/pundits-blog/presidential-campaign/296548-how-birtherism-became-hillarys-waterloo/ Hillary Clinton and her campaign of 2008 started the birther controversy,” Trump said. “I finished it.”
  12. Suppose I did not have heart in making the statement.
  13. Guess I am ok then in my little area of the world. Gays can get married and buy house if they want. There is no slavery Most folks get vaccinated for all sorts of things including Pneumonia and RSV.
  14. We can all agree that violence is wrong. Problematic when laws and requirements conflict with spiritual beliefs. “Impose” is a two way street.
  15. Lots of bears in the Mexico Beach FL area pre hurricane Michael. Could be a nuisance at times. Loved to go through garbage cans and would destroy a fence getting to it. Serious, a pizza box with a few remnants inside left out at night would get you a visit. Beginning to make a comeback now from what I understand. With the loss of wooded areas sure they relocated for a few years.
  16. Guess that leaves us with relying on you and Brother Homers BS. ITCHY used to be pretty reliably if you could wade through the mess.
  17. No, I scanned through a couple of the articles and you did very good. Like I said, probably played a part with some folks
  18. It is only a few words. Read it then follow if you are capable.
  19. I just made statement. You do a great job of embarrassing yourself.
  20. I don’t need to read a bunch of opinion articles on the rapture on won’t. Obviously there are some wackos thoughts it just as with everything else.
  21. We use Copperheads to test children and the elderly. Not nearly as venomous as a rattler……..
  22. Genuine believers use rattlesnakes….obviously a rat snake here
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