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Everything posted by SaltyTiger

  1. Thanks and I assumed you misunderstood. BTW, paid $6 for a bag of ice down at Orange Beach yesterday afternoon. Lady that took payment claimed it was Biden’s fault.
  2. What is with facepalm? Do you not like the DL idea? Thought the question was silly and just playing along.
  3. First time on the baseball forum you. Seizing opportunity? Do you even how many outs in an inning.
  4. This bunch refuses to win. Go figure
  5. I would like to see drivers license changed permit at 16 and license at 18. Gay permitted at 25 licensed at 27.
  6. Just snickered at the 5:20 mark. Knew you would be proud. Sorry if you feel offended.
  7. Good article Natl. May be a bit too simplistic and to the point for some folks. “found that the percentage of moderate voters is relatively high at thirty-seven percent. These polls indicate a significant disparity between the number of moderate government officials currently serving in Congress and the proportion of voters they represent. “
  8. “ They knew Putin helped elect him” 5:20 mark. Good for you to give Brother Homer a big atta boy for posting.
  9. Maybe but not his fault that his friends are wealthy.
  10. He said you were a “decent” young frat brother. Best coach ever is a toss up here but leans Coach Jordan. Don’t know that Coach Dye could have accomplished what he did without Shug as a predecessor.
  11. Not only played 3 years. Graduated magna cum laude from Auburn and transferred as a graduate. Not uncommon at all to attend a different system for a grad degree. Pretty high accolades being a top choice in career opportunities. Bo deserves congratulations from Auburn football boards and various outlets.
  12. Doubt that that Trump would choose her after the Cricket story.
  13. Don’t remember. Hope he does better at TE. Thanks
  14. Maga don’t go around shooting their dogs. They do train them poop to in yards with Biden signs though.
  15. Or attempt to make South Dakota cowboys think she is a real cowboy.
  16. Guess I didn’t read deep enough this morning. That is pretty bad. Most people with half a brain know to keep the dog secured when other and unfamiliar creatures around. Have to agree that Cricket deserved better.
  17. I read an article about it. https://www.npr.org/2024/04/27/1247666219/kristi-noem-dog-controversy-trump-vp During a pheasant-hunting trip, the dog went "out of her mind with excitement," and later attacked another family's chickens. And when she went to grab Cricket, Noem says, the dog bit her.
  18. Great for Bo and very wise to move on from the situation we were in.
  19. Bird dog or not it shouldn’t be killing the poor chickens. I assume she just finished the child abusing goat off since she had the tool out to do the job. If I have my blower out cleaning the drive I go ahead and blow any ashes off my grill when needed.
  20. The dog was killing chickens and the goat was attacking the children. Think about all of the poor chickens and children. Their lives are important
  21. They who? Saw a video and looked like well fed girls yelling “our street”. I would have asked them best places to eat. Pretty sure all “protesters” just show for a protest of any type. Not many statues left to topple so kinda boring now.
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