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Everything posted by zeroforwinger

  1. We all know they were the real NC. No way they were losing to USC or Oklahoma. The biggest screw job in college football history.
  2. After looking at him, it’s amazing to think Heupel almost won the Heisman.
  3. 2010 Cam is the greatest player the sport has ever seen.
  4. Needs a lot of help with the receiving part of his position description.
  5. I think that’s all the more reason to put Holden in. If that’s how Robby reacts again, then you know he isn’t someone who has the makeup for the position.
  6. This is the worst tackling Auburn team I’ve seen since the pre-Steele days. Just absolutely pathetic.
  7. Sometimes you think you hire the best available coach and then you lose to Vandy.
  8. Agree with this. Westry looks like he has the ability to create and score. I think our inability to shoot against good defenses will carry over from last year though. The lack of offensive output from Zep, KD, Flan, and Jaylin is gonna weigh this team down when it counts. Can’t tell what we have in Traore yet but Broome and Cardwell at the 5 is elite.
  9. Looks like the state legislature attempted to put an amendment on the ballot in 2019 that would’ve eliminated the four year max, but wasn’t successful. Thanks Mississippi! https://ballotpedia.org/Mississippi_Remove_Four-Year_Limit_on_State_University_Employment_Contracts_Amendment_(2019)
  10. I’m not aware that it’s ever happened.
  11. There’s a guy, apparently an offensive innovator, who has a Group of 5 team ranked #17 in the nation. Actually played for a natty in only his second year as a HC.
  12. Did these insiders call Cohen being hired or Harsin being fired?
  13. Dumb question, but what does an offer mean when a team doesn’t have a full time HC?
  14. I keep falling back on the fact that when the guys we really want to hire (Sanders, Lane, Laning) pass on the job, Caddy is gonna be the best option left. Let’s see what happens Saturday, but I think that’s where we’re gonna be in the next couple of weeks.
  15. Wasn’t Harsin’s specialty as a QB coach? Maybe we just find someone who’s a good coach.
  16. Honestly, I don’t disagree. If we can’t get Deion or Lane, let’s just full JABA this thing. Never go half-Barn when you have the option to go full-Barn.
  17. To be honest, I’d be more excited about Coach Cadillac than anyone not named Deion. How much that translates into wins is TBD, but the excitement level would be high.
  18. Give Gus this QB and watch out. Harsin designs a system that has him take the snap under center.
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