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Everything posted by Taker

  1. Robbie sucks so bad at getting the ball out of his hands the hand off to tank was almost a miss
  2. If they don't eat up clock here and score a tuddy then this game is going to get ugly... they have to have a game ending drive here
  3. Well the play actually was supposed to be a dig at 10 but Robbie can't control how far or hard he throws it lol.... I know it was a go route
  4. Auburn football fatigue makes you automatically say after the interception.... well we are not gonna do anything with it.
  5. We have missed 3 INT's that hit defenders in the hands. We are getting bullied on both LOS by a G5 team... yeah next week could be extremely bad for us. Banana may be having a down year but they still have USFL level talent at all positions and NFL level at most.
  6. My lord, it is looking like the caddy cloud of confidence is sputtering.... let's hope that we see a 2nd half like against MSU and they come out better on both sides
  7. Why can we not kick touch backs anymore?? Surely AM can get them back there
  8. All jokes aside from me, I am starting to think that our secondary is gonna get blistered if we don't get some pressure up front.
  9. Sorry, Just got here... I have been watching the game but had to come here to find out for sure what the coaches and players are doing wrong. Wouldn't want to watch a game without the best armchair QB's and Coaches to ever draw air from the heavens. War Eagle
  10. And TCU ain't exactly world beaters... if they make the CFP they will be the Cincy of this years.. Beat like a drum whoever they play
  11. I know that this is technically not CCW&CO week 2 as INT however since week 1 was only 3 days of prep and that included forming a new staff on offense- IS IT POSSIBLE: Since this is there 2nd full week of preparation as a unit do we see a jump in production in the passing game this week for RA and become less inept and 1 dimensional on that side of the ball??? Thoughts, Comments, Answers.
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