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Son of A Tiger

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Everything posted by Son of A Tiger

  1. When they take that catheter out just just grit your teeth and shout beat F,,,,,king bama😃
  2. That was the OP but it didn't say anything about Schumer. Go back about 6 posts from here and see which of my posts you quoted last.
  3. You are. You quoted my post about Schumer replacements by saying who might replace McConnell.
  4. Well maybe someone with any name will replace Schumer from a long list of those who have kissed Biden's ass.😀
  5. Mitch McConnell announces he will step down in November. Hopefully more in both parties will follow suit. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell to step down in November | Fox News
  6. Every time I see a thread like or similar to this I always remember that everyone who supports abortion is alive.
  7. This issue pales in comparison to our immigration problem.
  8. Really an intelligent contribution to the discussion.
  9. That depends. Lay a piece of string in the shape of a circle and I will square it for you.😁
  10. This thread started out bashing Tuberville and his views. Here are comments from our other Senator, Katie Britt. Protecting ‘life’ and IVF clinics after Alabama ruling ‘not mutually exclusive’: Britt - al.com
  11. Well it seems that a lot of people are hell bent on any preventing anything getting out that might be detrimental to Hunter. CBS seizes confidential files of fired reporter pursuing Hunter Biden laptop story in ‘unprecedented’ move: sources (msn.com)
  12. If you are a believer in Jesus Christ and even a casual reader of the Bible you should know the answer to this. But that's not for me to judge, JMHO. In any event I'll stop there because it will lead into a 10 page thread.
  13. I would vote for Tubs in a heartbeat over any democrat in Alabama I can think of. I don't agree with everything he does but he is out with the people and transparent. He is for sure better than the lap dog Doug Jones that he beat.
  14. The point that seems to be ignored is there WAS cocaine on the gun he is charged with possessing so it don't matter what's on the table.
  15. Just an FYI....Shortly after Terry Beasley died I communicated with Auburn AD John Cohen about ways of having some kind of permanent recognition for him at the stadium. John advised me Monday that he has asked the football lettermen club to consider what this might be. So if you know one of our lettermen and have some thoughts you might contact him.
  16. Prayers lifted from the direct line in Auburn.
  17. The kitty cats will perish in the Jungle as the Tigers feast.
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