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About jj3jordan

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  1. If I didn’t see this in person I wouldn’t believe the democrats would try to rewrite history regarding Harris and the border assignment. It is mind boggling that they now blatantly lie about her assignment/title. What this means is that the border is an absolute massive failure of epic proportions. They can’t have her connected to this failure in any way, even though we all know she never wanted the job, refused to do the job, resisted to visit the border except one token visit, but was trumpeted by Joe as the best person for the job. She failed in every aspect of the assignment, even the limited diplomatic problem solving she admits to. Let’s see, what are the root causes? Well, the border is wide open, there are no limits, no security or patrols, everybody gets in, the government is handing out free money, food, supplies, and lodging without strings, hearings, education, vetting, or even vaccines ( all of them not Covid). And yet Harris failed to identify the “root” cause of the mass migration.
  2. Yes. She knew some of bin Laden’s wives and goats would be collateral damage. Less temptation for Bill on those long State Dept visits.
  3. Thank God nobody listened to Joe that night.
  4. Who has not been waiting for a rematch of the war of northern aggression?
  5. No homer. You are crazy if you have forgotten practically every post you have made regarding Trump in the last 7 years. I remember what you have said over and over. Denying it now is flat cowardice. You are pathetically spineless.
  6. Yes homer. Seriously. A fringe liberal listening to you and your vile hyperbolic accusations, diagnoses, and predictions, could easily be pushed over the edge to assassination. Exactly what you have constantly spouted for 7 years is the reason this happens. Own it homer. It is yours.
  7. Sounds like you are finally getting the message.
  8. The issue was "real southerners" of which I am. Also a Christian who in no way supports establishing a state religion or using force to convert anyone. So not a Christian nationalist as you and homer define it. Also CN was disavowed by the SBC. And I am a Trump supporter. The hat you are tossing does not cover me or millions of my cohorts.
  9. How many five star generals quit? You heard of any?
  10. Salty is correct. As usual you are clueless; especially about anything related to God, Jesus, Christianity, evangelicals, or worship.
  11. Kept his composure enough to make Biden look pathetic. Somebody got to him and convinced him to try a different tactic. It was four years ago so I wouldn’t call it suddenly.
  12. Thank you. If Trump shot me in Times Square he WOULD lose a base voter. I think you fail to understand the MAGA mindset. But no problem I understand the theory and don't expect the left to get it. I've heard pundits come out against Biden but no elected powerbrokers. I could be wrong about that because I don't keep up with the hoya coming out of Schumer and Pelosi and the minions. I was cringing expecting Trump to behave like the debates from 2020 which made him look stupid. I was glad he kept his composure and allowed Biden to hang himself with ineptitude. I thought the moderators did a great job of administering the action without participating despite having their own opinions in their craniums.
  13. No worries my friend, as long as you are aware. The puppet master thing is way more complicated so stay with me. Dem: Puppet master/Biden/MSM/minions Rep: Trump/a few media outlets/minions Who is Biden's puppet master? Obama. Sitting in the basement with his phone (ask him; he said in an interview that would be his preference for post presidency) Who is Trumps puppet master? No one. He does his own thing. So the puppet master metaphor as you described it faulty.
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