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Everything posted by PigskinPat

  1. Can you imagine Rattler with Grimes, Baby Briles, or Herman as our OC? Daddy likie.
  2. Harsin needs to head to Waco and bring Grimes home.
  3. Not shocked it happened, but very surprised it happened this fast.
  4. Just saw that Dillon Gabriel is transferring from UCF. Do we go after him? He’s a little on the short side, but can sling the ball: https://ucfknights.com/sports/football/roster/dillon-gabriel/12555
  5. We stole defeat out of the jaws of victory.
  6. I don’t know about the rest of y’all, but right now I miss Bo Nix.
  7. Good grief. It’s almost like Finley is trying to throw an interception. If he’s that hurt, get him out!!
  8. Looked like Tank hurt his leg on his last run. Was tacked very awkwardly.
  9. Brandon Jacobs ended up being a heck of a back, but he did not have a huge impact on the field while he was at Auburn. Brandon was the third string running back and left because of playing time because he had the huge misfortune of being at Auburn at the same time Ronnie Brown and Cadillac Williams.
  10. Do you seriously think the reason he was upset was because he wasn’t getting the game stats he felt he deserved?
  11. I agree, and if that is indeed the list, you’ve got to think Harsin would be at the top of it.
  12. Who besides Michael Dyer had Tank’s kind of impact on the field? And Dyer flamed out because of his personal issues.
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