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Cam's Tuesday Press Conference 10/19


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On LSU's defense: "They're a talented bunch, no doubt about that. It's a defense filled with guys capable of making the next level."

Tired of Heisman talk? "I wouldn't say that. It's a week-to-week thing. As soon as I slip up, it's not going to be there anymore."

On this week's big game: "We can't buy into the hype."

On eating with the o-line on Friday nights: "That's our ritual. We eat together at the hotel and catch up on a lot of things. It's the little things that count."

More team chemistry talk: "The biggest thing is just everybody taking ownership and being accountable on their particular roles on the team."

On having fun on the field: "A wise man once told me, if you're not having fun doing it, why do it at all?" That wise man: Blinn CC coach Brad Franchione.

On one of his touchdown celebrations: "That's just me having fun, staying in my Never-Neverland state of mind."

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