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bammers!!  You can't believe espn that Cam called mullen and told him the $$ was too good at Auburn AND beleive the WSB stroy that Cecil asked for the $$$ but Cam didn't know.  Which one you gonna believe,bammers??

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Just goes to show that with all these "sources" some of these stories are just BS!  joe  shadd says Cam knew.  the story last night says he didn't.  One or both are lying and yet bammers and others will beleive both.  You can't!

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They chose to promote the one that gives them the best shot ar derailing Auburn and playing a Cam-free Iron Bowl.

If 25% of the media attention Auburn is getting right now was centered on turd town the NCAA would have to set up a satellite office on campus to handle all the findings.

War Eagle !

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No kidding!  I was in Gadsden yesterday and we were talking about the Cam stuff and everybody there staarted laughing about the new car kirkpatrick was driving right afte going with uat!

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It's possible that Cam only knew after the so-called deal was revealed to Cecil and he decided to get the hell out of the situation with MSU altogether. This would explain the alleged call to the MSU recruiters (being misconstrued by them to mean that Auburn paid for him). The MSU staff could have decided at that point, not knowing the whole story, to go to the conference and report a possible violation by Auburn. This scenario fits all of the pieces with Kenny Rogers being the one true villian in the whole story. I truly believe that Rogers initiated contact with one or more MSU boosters and didn't tell Cecil that he was doing it until late in the process and Cecil then baled on the whole deal, thus leaving MSU out of the picture.

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We really do not know the truth about any of this at this point. Hopefully all will eventually be known. I hope Cam did not know. Cecil says he didn't. Has Cecil always been truthful? I have serious doubts that he has been. That does not mean that I assume he is lying when he says Cam didn't know. I'm just saying I have no idea what to believe from Cecil Newton.

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