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One thing this "event" has taught me.........


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I really hate all members of this conference now, they were all willing to throw us under the bus. I am really sick of all the in fighting, I once supported all the teams during bowls (I won't lie not Alabama) not any more to  :devil: with all of them. I think this conference will collapse like the old southwest conference, they treated each other the same before their demise.

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its sad but very true, i was apart of a forum called SECTalk, and most of the other fanbases reflect what we've seen

even some auburn fans! the level of self hatred over there was rediculous

at the end of the day it comes down to respect, the other schools respect Bama and Florida, but thats where it ends.

the only way in their minds that Auburn(or any other school not named UA/UF) can be winning is by cheating, its a shame really

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It's Auburn against the world. I wouldn't have it any other way. The only other SEC team I respected was the gaytahs. Urban Crier has ruined that for me (that and all their players getting arrested).

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I really hate all members of this conference now, they were all willing to throw us under the bus. I am really sick of all the in fighting, I once supported all the teams during bowls (I won't lie not Alabama) not any more to  :devil: with all of them.  

Me too!  

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I'm the same way. You are either for or against us, I have no middle ground for all these yahoo's anymore. I hope everybody loses except us. Enough is enough.

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Guest simonsez

Agreed.  My favorite teams were Auburn, Miss St and UGA before all of this junk.  Now my favorite teams are Auburn Offense, Auburn Defense and Auburn special teams.

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I have been cheering for MSU all season, I really liked Mullins.

Now, I pray for their defeat.  I even cheered for Bama this past weekend...a first in my life.

I still like Ole Miss and I like South Carolina too.  Classy fan bases IMO. 

Bama, MSU, UF, UGA, Arky can all go to h........

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