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Off Season Rumor Mill Central: Ed Orgeron


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Some guy on a Bammer site just posted that he has a friend that works in the athletic department in Auburn and Ed Orgeron has been hired as the new defensive line coach. He also said the announcement will come tomorrow. Does anyone know if there is any truth to this?

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That would, without a doubt, be the most absolutely stupid thing that could happen. The NCAA is all over this idiot for things that took place in one year at UT, The NCAA has been asking questions about Reed and Roberson in Louisanna, The NCAA has NOT said that it is done with the Cam thing; and we hire Orgeron? I cannot fathom the thought that we would be so stupid as to do that.

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"Some guy on a bammer site...."

I don't ridicule for what people "hear" or "read," so I will avoid that.

But I seriously doubt

A) Chizik has someone in mind already

B) Chizik would've hired somebody without meeting with them in person

C) Orgeron would leave USC

D) Chizik would hire Orgeron. I don't think he would "fit" the Auburn "family" theme. Great recruiter, but not what this program necessarily looks for first and only in the decision process.

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This thread is the poster child for why message boards are terrible places to read for the truth. It is more for entertainment purposes. It is really funny how one, I have a 'friend' that knows a 'guy' that is married to a 'girl' that has a relative in the 'team x locker room' and he said...can turn people inside out.

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He prolly said that cause Orgeron is the dirtiest recruiter ever

If he's dirtier than Rodney Garner, count me as impressed.  Sometimes you have to get down in the gutter to serve justice.  (I know Chizik would never hire him, but sometimes I wonder how truly dominant we would be if we utilized the same tactics as our rivals - even playing field so to speak).

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Some guy on a Bammer site just posted that he has a friend that works in the athletic department in Auburn and Ed Orgeron has been hired as the new defensive line coach. He also said the announcement will come tomorrow. Does anyone know if there is any truth to this?

Your first mistake was reading bammer message boards.  Your second mistake was even thinking it could be true.    

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