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5 reasons I can't believe Sheridan

Sig Sauer

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1. Why tease it? Just deliver. Obviously you are seeking attention.

2. I just do not believe CGC is going to get involved with that.

3. The "bagman" is the booster? If that is the case how do you know about it? That does not make sense. Or the booster used a bagman that is now all of the sudden going to tell all? It just sounds stupid.

4. Cam Newton was not a big deal until midway through the season in CGM system. I don't think anyone thought he was that great or could even make an impact in FBS.

5. He graduated from Bama. That means he will believe anything as long as it helps him deal with last season.

I never believed Auburn paid Newton or his dad a penny.

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6) DS said "i will ask my source and he will tell me the name, I will have it in one, two or three weeks"

Danny, that would be the first question any reasonable human would have asked, who is the booster and who is the bagman.  DS would have us believe he forgot to ask that question.  Only a Bammer could follow that logic.

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You left out another important reason to not believe sheridan:


Just tell us the reason, not signing up for another site.

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7) He opened his mouth as a pro-UAT*/weeman, AU basher, guest on PF... that leaves no room for creditability...

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7) He opened his mouth as a pro-UAT*/weeman, AU basher, guest on PF... that leaves no room for creditability...

Yes another reason not to believe him. Paul's show is a joke anyway.

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6) DS said "i will ask my source and he will tell me the name, I will have it in one, two or three weeks"

Danny, that would be the first question any reasonable human would have asked, who is the booster and who is the bagman.   DS would have us believe he forgot to ask that question.  Only a Bammer could follow that logic.

Since I did not hear the guy on Finebaum I am still not sure what he said. Is he saying that he knows the booster or the bagman?

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If Sheridan is going to claim we should believe what he says because he has sources inside the NCAA, he should name his sources inside the NCAA, put names with who did what, and say what the proof of all that is.  Otherwise he is just a mouthy bammer spouting off about things he has no knowledge of, why should that the basic rules of evidence/proof/credibility be different for him.  Sheridan needs to put up or shut up.  We can read baseless allegations for days just by visiting the Tallibammer hate-Auburn based web sites, we don't need Sheridan for that.

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If Sheridan is going to claim we should believe what he says because he has sources inside the NCAA, he should name his sources inside the NCAA, put names with who did what, and say what the proof of all that is.  Otherwise he is just a mouthy bammer spouting off about things he has no knowledge of, why should that the basic rules of evidence/proof/credibility be different for him.  Sheridan needs to put up or shut up.  We can read baseless allegations for days just by visiting the Tallibammer hate-Auburn based web sites, we don't need Sheridan for that.

I did not know he was saying he got this from NCAA. That is stranger yet.

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I realized he was full of it when I heard the whole interview yesterday.  At first I had only heard the excerpts used as a promo on JOX, but yesterday I thought Sheridan was on live but it was just a reply of the Thursday interview.

I could tell by his tone and his defensiveness that he knows there's nothing to his story.  Paul asked him scripted questions so that he could clarify what he was being attacked on, and he would start with "Oh yeah" -- as in "I forgot we hadn't covered that part of the story yet."

His whole premise is ridiculous.  Either he's lying, or someone is lying to him and he believes them.  That would explain his offer to take a polygraph -- hell, if you hooked my kid up to a polygraph and asked him if the tooth fairy is real, he would pass.  Guess that means I need start collecting teeth for cash  :rolleyes:

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Since we all know Auburn did not pay Cam Newton a single dime to play football......it really doesn't matter what DS claims. It's all a baiting scheme he set up with PF. There is no bagman, there's no name to reveal, there's no NCAA source.

The Cam Newton story is only alive because bammers and others in the media use it to make money and bash Auburn. I'm not worried about a bagman or anything else about Cam.

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When the story first broke on the PF Show, Sheridan said the AU coaching staff were not aware that the Newtons were being paid by a booster.  Then he goes on to say on the same show that the NCAA re-intensified its investigation after hearing about the exchange between CGC and the NCAA rep at the coaches meeting in Destin.  The implication being that the NCAA believed Chizik wanted the investigation over before anything came out.  So on the same show it was both implied that Chizik knew and didn't know.

Then, of course he changes his story again and again.  It obvious he's making this story up as he goes along.

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I realized he was full of it when I heard the whole interview yesterday.  At first I had only heard the excerpts used as a promo on JOX, but yesterday I thought Sheridan was on live but it was just a reply of the Thursday interview.

I could tell by his tone and his defensiveness that he knows there's nothing to his story.  Paul asked him scripted questions so that he could clarify what he was being attacked on, and he would start with "Oh yeah" -- as in "I forgot we hadn't covered that part of the story yet."

His whole premise is ridiculous.  Either he's lying, or someone is lying to him and he believes them.  That would explain his offer to take a polygraph -- hell, if you hooked my kid up to a polygraph and asked him if the tooth fairy is real, he would pass.  Guess that means I need start collecting teeth for cash  :rolleyes:

Excellent point.  Sheridan believes all this is true because he wants it to be true. 

A kid believes in the tooth fairy because he has been told by his parents that it really exists. A kid is not old enough to know better.  Sheridan should know better because........ ah hell; nevermind.  He is a UAT grad.  Nuff said.

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I don't think he "believes" anything. He knows he's lying....that's why he said he'd take the LDT. He gave himself away with that statement. He's USING Cam's name, and PF is using it to make money.

This is about getting every single drop of usage out of Cam while they still can make a buck off of him. This is about harming Auburn's reputation in a hard to defend way while making a buck off of that too. The truth has never been important.

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7) He opened his mouth as a pro-UAT*/weeman, AU basher, guest on PF... that leaves no room for creditability...

I am no big Fan of Sheridan, but he also came on the PF show right after CGC was hired and defended his hiring. In spite of the bashing by PF, Sheridan maintained that day (and now) that CGC, was a good coach and a very good hire.


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I don't think he "believes" anything. He knows he's lying....that's why he said he'd take the LDT. He gave himself away with that statement. He's USING Cam's name, and PF is using it to make money.

This is about getting every single drop of usage out of Cam while they still can make a buck off of him. This is about harming Auburn's reputation in a hard to defend way while making a buck off of that too. The truth has never been important.

Agreed... the willingness to take a lie detector test is a red flag...

And I know of several situations I have dealt with personally, where an individual made a stand on their "integrity" and used the "I'll be glad to take a lie detector test to prove it", gambit... initiated by them in our conversation to prove their truthfulness...

In every one of those situations, to date, they were caught in a lie...

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7) He opened his mouth as a pro-UAT*/weeman, AU basher, guest on PF... that leaves no room for creditability...

I am no big Fan of Sheridan, but he also came on the PF show right after CGC was hired and defended his hiring. In spite of the bashing by PF, Sheridan maintained that day (and now) that CGC, was a good coach and a very good hire.


  It doesn't excuse his drunken mouth since the CGC statements!
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Spreading false inside info and releasing info from unreliable sources is not a good idea for someone who

makes his living selling tips on sporting events. Now I don't think Cam was paid but, folks in the NCAA are

trying to match fact with theories. All Sheridan did was to make public the NCAA's theories. He never said

hte NCAA was correct only they "believe" they know a third party, from tips and sources of course. A

person could dislike him for making public what someone in the NCAA told him, but I doubt he is lying.

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