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Cam Newton - Panthers fans initial impressions


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yea, in a few months I will go to a few panther boards and ask them if they think cam was getting railroaded pre-draft and point out that us auburn folks have known what kind of kid he was all along ... and what they think about the national sports media.  go get em cam.  hope he has a successful season.

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Glad to see they love Cam about a third as much as we do.. But hey at least they love him

The fan support will help him tremendously. I'm glad they can see what a great kid he is. I hope they take good care of him!

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Thanks for posting, I am looking forward to seeing Cam to do very well in the NFL. I will be watching as many Panthers games as possible.

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Thanks homersapien for posting this.  I read through the 2 pages of Pather's fans' comments made about Cam.  ALL were positive, none was negative.  He will be a hit in NC without a doubt.  I copied & pasted the best.  The first though was posted last on their site but it sums up everything and I wanted all the AU family to make sure to read it.  Here they are (all are direct quotes...not enough time to place " marks):

The thing is that many who doubted had reason to doubt from what they had been hearing and reading reported about him.  Which, as most can see now, was totally unfair and inaccurate.  Now that you've been able to get less "filtered" news about him and seen him yourself in multiple interviews, you've changed your mind. And stepped up and admitted that what you thought previously was wrong.  To your credit.  (Cheers emoticon)

For one reason or another, I get the feeling we are going to destroy the Cards week 1.

Seems mature enough to lead, and very likable!

So, Cam wanted #2 and Jimmy threw out a $$ amount and Cam is wearing #1

what the hell kinda money we talking about????

god i love cam

The kids got a head on his shoulders, and is a likeable guy, I think this team will rally behind him. Thanks for the vid, keep em coming

seems like he's gotten very comfortable interviewing in the nfl, when he first got drafted he seemed cautious. Now, he's speaking very natural. Hopefully his progression on the field is coming along the same.

How can anyone not like this kid as a person? Comes off natural as hell...even his smile.

I dont think that it is a big deal, but i dont like Cam wearing #1. I think that it puts an unessisary target on his back, or added pressure.

It's just a number. Cam already has a target on his back.

When we drafted Cam I was one that was really upset and opposed to it. Let me be the first to say I was a douche for doubting. The kid WILL be great because he has the desire to be great and has a great personality. And even if he was to turn out a bust, I would rather draft a bust like Cam, a good guy at heart, than a bust like Leaf who was just an Dbag. Oh, and he will not be a bust. I am 110% a believer! Can't wait to get this thing started!

I can't wait to see Cam take the field and start to take a leadership stake in this team. It won't happen overnight, but he will make himself into the best possible professional quarterback that he can be. This is going to be a fun ride.

The guy is one of the most personable athletes I have ever seen. I really think he is going to be a great QB for us. The way he carries himself reminds me of Donovan McNabb (who I think is one of the classiest QBs ever to play). He sees the fun in the game and realizes that he has been put in an incredible situation.  It really impressed me when he said he knew the money would take care of itself if he played well and that when he picked his agent, from the beginning he instructed them that he didn't want a holdout. Very mature for a 22 year old.

I like the way he says MY team not THE team. If anything he is ready to come in and give his all to be the starting guy.

WDE Cam.  You are a great young man.  You'll go far.----ET

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yea, in a few months I will go to a few panther boards and ask them if they think cam was getting railroaded pre-draft and point out that us auburn folks have known what kind of kid he was all along ... and what they think about the national sports media.  go get em cam.  hope he has a successful season.

I've been a member on that board since the draft. They have Cam's back and are pretty excited about having him. They are definitely on board and think the pre-draft BS about Cam was ridiculous.

It was pretty funny reading their reactions to Carolina also drafting Pugh and Darvin (to go along w/ Cam and Ziemba). Some were jokingly saying lets just hire the whole AU coaching staff while we are at it, saying Warpanthers, etc. Pretty funny thread.

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I have become a Carolina fan now.  Always liked them but now I have a reason to go all out.

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Just glad God smiled on Auburn and sent Cam our way.  Did not think it was possible but you can't help but like him more and more each day goes by.  Thanks for the post.

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Even before Cam was officially selected by the Panthers, the Bammers and other haters have been on about every Cam article in the Charlotte paper with their usual nastiness...same lies and slander that shows up al.com and such.  Interesting to me that the Observer apparently has no mods because some of the comments would have been scrubbed from al.com....nasty racial stuff, etc.  As a Cam fan, it was hard for me to take.

Now that the lockout is over and Cam can speak for himself, the Panther fans are seeing what a poised and smart guy he is and they are going to learn how fortunate they are to have Cam on the team.  I'm heading for practice on Tuesday with my grandson (who lives in Charlotte) to see if we can get an autograph from Cam and maybe some of the other Auburn guys.  War Eagle and Go Panthers.

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This seemed relevant..

josephperson Joe Person

by AUGoldMine

Cam Newton again the last Panther to leave practice after signing autographs for 20 minutes.

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I get the Asheville Times and was looking through the sports section and noticed there was an article about Cam during the media show over the Panther's new kicker.  It said that Cam was very low keyed and was just taking in all of his surroundings and did not behave like a spoiled brat concerning his new contract of $22 million over 4 years. A reporter asked him how it was like to see Sam Bradford's 70 something million dollar contract as a 1st round QB pick. Cam said that this was the most money he had ever had in his life and if he does in the NFL like he is willing to work to do, he would get his big bucks with hard work.  I think Auburn will come out looking like the school that Cam was honored to play for and a school that really does things the right way.  The scumbags of the journalistic world will be exposed for what they are!



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This question popped up in my head today so I went to look at a Panther MB. I found a thread where they were discussing his interview. I found that indeed the hearts of the Pather fans are being won over in a short period. I know it will only increase as they see the Cam Newton we saw and heard about when he arrived. Hard working, dedicated, team player, respectful, leader, etc. You can see the same hopeful talk we all were doing before the season began last year. WDE Cam and I look forward to watching him play.


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First off, I want to agree with what some others have said: Cam, Big Z, Darvin, and Pugh (the last two of whom were signed as non-drafted free agents, btw, just to eschew obfuscation) being Panthers has made them my second favorite team, behind only my beloved Steelers. I'd like to throw in, however, how much I expect all of them to represent Auburn well, not just Cam. Sure, he'll be the headliner, but when they start seeing Ziemba and Pugh winning jobs (which I sincerely expect them to do because they've been our two best linemen over the past four years...and making it through four solid years of starting in the SEC, they'll already have experience against most of the guys on opposing defensive lines) and Darvin scrapping his way into the rotation, making key plays when it's needed most (because that's who he is...his relationship with Newton certainly won't hurt, either), while representing themselves so well on and off the field, they'll start to realize that things are not at all what they have been made out to be in the Loveliest Village.

However, I should warn you all against thinking the journalistic scum will go easily. They believe in that "pen is mightier than the sword" bit so completely that they lose sight of what is at the heart of true journalism: the pursuit of truth. They band together and lash out at anyone who challenges their fraternity (remember the Oklahoma State coach's tirade in defense of his players, and the way he was portrayed as nothing more than a raving lunatic by every single media outlet?), and they flood the market with enough drivel that the masses remain brainwashed.

As such, Cam will be under an even worse microscope than your normal number 1 draft pick. Anything that can possibly be construed as negative will be blasted worldwide. Even if Cam is able to live a perfect life, sooner or later he'll slip (he may not appear human on the field, but he is, and we all make mistakes), and as soon as he does, they'll drag us back through all of this BS all over again in a negative marketing campaign laced with every shred of evidence available to make the case that they were right all along and the Newtons are just scumbags.

And they'll do it all in the name of "journalism". And there will be plenty of talk about the death of real journalism, and there will be scorn from the masses.

But at the end of the day, they will win, because the name Cam Newton, however unjustly, will forever be stained with "scandal". And they will laugh the whole time like the hyenas they are. Because that's what news media has become.

Can you tell I have issues with what passes for truth these days?

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I'm afraid you are correct.  This will never go away.  Too many people have vested and financial interest in keeping the story alive.  Cam's name in a Blog headline assures a thousand clicks almost instantly.

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Hmmm, way to go Cam!!!!

This tweeted by Peter King of SI. 

@SI_PeterKing  Peter King 

Interesting but not too surprising: Just got stiffed at Panther camp by Cam Newton. Chose not to talk to me post-evening practice.

I hate it for ya man.

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Hmmm, way to go Cam!!!!

This tweeted by Peter King of SI. 

@SI_PeterKing  Peter King 

Interesting but not too surprising: Just got stiffed at Panther camp by Cam Newton. Chose not to talk to me post-evening practice.

I hate it for ya man.

So now this doofus will wage a war against Cam is whole career.These "pro" reporters are worse than the college guys for holding grudges.

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Hmmm, way to go Cam!!!!

This tweeted by Peter King of SI. 

@SI_PeterKing  Peter King 

Interesting but not too surprising: Just got stiffed at Panther camp by Cam Newton. Chose not to talk to me post-evening practice.

I hate it for ya man.

PK is sipping on some serious haterade.  Cam is keeping score in his mental chamber of all the naysayers.  This is the same SOB that purposely took the whole icon/entertainer comment out of context.  Good looking out Cam -I wouldn't want to talk to him either.  :happydance:

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This brings back memories:

The highlight of the night came about midway through practice and looked like it came straight out of an Auburn game. Lined up in the shotgun formation, Newton took the snap and saw a blitzing linebacker breaking through the offensive line. Instead of forcing a pass or taking a sack, Newton tucked the ball and ran.

He went for 20 yards before being met by a defensive back. Although the Panthers were in pads, they weren’t tackling, so we’ll assume the defensive back would have brought Newton down. But he was known to break downfield tackles in college, so anything is possible.

Tucking the ball and running isn’t going to be something the Panthers discourage.

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