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Nothing is never as good nor as bad...........as it appears


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I am neither an expert nor a coach, but in life as in football nothing is ever as good or as bad as it appears,

do we have issues, yes we do, inexperience being the most obvious.

US had a good game plan for our young guys that caused confusion, which caused indecision or no decision on our part which resulted in a multitude of mistakes on both sides of the ball.

But the facts:

1) we won

2) we all had to take a nitroglecern pill or electro shock to survive

3) the first time in 3 years I was not worried about the outcome, because I knew in my AU heart aided by medication and all the times we came from behind last year we would find a way to win and we did(ask my wife i did not scream at the TV not even once for the first time in 3 years).

4) coaches & players will fix the issues and in all vanilla there is cream and it will come to the top

5) a different looking team will take the field vs Miss St & Clemson & beyond..........

6) these are 18 & 19 year olds which got a wake-up call on Saturday and will put down their i-pods, cell phones and game boys in exchange for game film & learning

7) we will not win the NC this year but the foudation will be laid by this group to be in a position to compete for it for several years

8) overall 2-3 deep we have more talent from top to bottom than we have had in several years

for the fans that left the stadium before the game was over then they should be ashamed & apologize to the team for their own lack of faith,

for those that just moved to the ramps and stayed in the stadium no problem,

it only takes a spark to get a fire growing and I saw those sparks on Saturday, now for the fire, as it will come

but everyone must remember nothing is ever as bad or as good as it appears, time & age teaches this to all of us

I believe in Auburn and love it!

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