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Clay Travis weighs in on tricked out Yukons, and Gumps in general

Tiger n Miami AU83

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I absolutely love the last one

...But Cam.

Wow UA fans really are pathetic.

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The best part is the comments from bama fans below the article that prove the article to be 100% correct.  A few call him names, a few try to justify it with totally skewed logic, and several invoke the Cam defense.

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Very funny, but again it seems to show that there is a need for the NCAA to step in.

I'm starting to think the NCAA is well aware of this, and many other similar situations, and have been for a very long time....and have absolutely no intention to do anything about it.  Think how much money the NCAA makes off college football, especially schools with very large fanbases like OK, TX, UAT, OH ST, etc....  Like Travis says in this article, the NCAA gets free labor out of the most talented players in the nation and has absolutely ZERO payroll for this talent.  There are some big suits at the NCAA who knock back large salaries, and they need these revenue streams to keep the checks rolling in.  I don't think the NCAA gives a SHHHH (er, Updyke) about suit stores, Dodge Chargers, Yukons, rental houses, fishing trips, signed jerseys, or any of it....until it hurts their bottom line.  I think the NCAA is probably wishing guys like Brooks and Travis would go away and quit writing things like this because it is bad for the NCAA's "business" model. 
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Something I just happened to think of (remember). Trent was in a wreck a few weeks ago. He declined to file an accident report so his insurance could pay for it. No reason was given.

Well, the reason is kinda obvious. Aside from the fact TR is independently wealthy and does not need insurance to pay for the damages (a few thousand is pocket change for bama's star RB), he certainly did not want more attention drawn to his $40-$50k ride.

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Something I just happened to think of (remember). Trent was in a wreck a few weeks ago. He declined to file an accident report so his insurance could pay for it. No reason was given.

Well, the reason is kinda obvious. Aside from the fact TR is independently wealthy and does not need insurance to pay for the damages (a few thousand is pocket change for bama's star RB), he certainly did not want more attention drawn to his $40-$50k ride.

He may not want to advertise his woman on the side either. Babymama could do some talking if she gets mad enough...

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This is all so much more than they had on Pryor and crew, yet the NCAA seems to not be interested.  They are probably still at the Name Dropper store in Montgomery looking for someone who may have given Cam a suit.

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This is the same Clay Travis that has been trashing Auburn and Cam Newton for months, including as recently as Monday on a Knoxville radio station.   

Difference this time is that there is proof and all the stories on Cam were nothing but a lot of hot air. I am not going to agree with everything he writes but I am not going to knock him for making fun of the turds. Especially when his article about their excuses was dead on.

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This is the same Clay Travis that has been trashing Auburn and Cam Newton for months, including as recently as Monday on a Knoxville radio station.   

Difference this time is that there is proof and all the stories on Cam were nothing but a lot of hot air. I am not going to agree with everything he writes but I am not going to knock him for making fun of the turds. Especially when his article about their excuses was dead on.

Everyone can form their own opinion of Clay Travis. And I will give mine right now...

Travis is intelligent and informed. His blog started out shaky and he took the low road to make people take notice of his new blog. HOWEVER.... make no mistake, he is not SBB or some brainless mudslinger. He knows what he is talking about in many areas and again, he is well informed and forward thinking. He writes good, original, informed and thought provoking articles. Some people really should take note of this. Not just the hit pieces on Trent - which are very well deserved considering it is likely there are HUGE Reggie Bush, Albert Means type violations occurring, but the many other topics he covers. His conference expansion articles are some of the best out there righth now BY FAR.


Here is a link to one if anyone wants to take a look at what I am talking about:

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