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About WDE_OxPx_2010

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    Winston Salem NC
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  1. Vegas doesn't exist as a desert oasis simply because they can guess well. Vegas KNOWS. Link "Does Vegas adjust the lines based on the known betting habits of certain fan bases? They almost certainly do, but I have never been able to detect any clear bias in the data. Also, it would certainly be very easy to do that for just a handful of games, and that data would just get swamped by all the other data. So, I just ignore this possibility. If I can’t measure it systematically, I don’t care about it. Practically, if a team is favored by 10 points, this translates to a ~75 percent chance of victory for that team. Does this mean: If those teams were to play 100 times, one team would (roughly) win 25 times and the other would win 75 times? OR, does it simply mean that in any given game with a 10-point spread, the favorite will win 75 percent of the time by an average margin of 10 points. I think that the second statement is clearly the correct one."
  2. Because the Heisman has never failed to predict successful NFL careers. That's all I'm saying. He could have easily, EASILY fallen into the 2nd or 3rd round if not for a coach with questionable decision making his entire career. Having said all of that, I think he needed to leave Auburn to succeed and for his sake I'm glad to did. Still doesn't mean that he's going to be some AllPro NFL QB, which was my point.
  3. He was a first round reach by an eccentric HC. He won't be around in the NFL long and that's ok too. He can be a bad teammate and a decent QB and still not be an NFL QB.
  4. Where have I seen this before... 🤔
  5. We've been spoiled the last 5-6 years with great centers and forwards, going back to Macklemore/Wiley. Bruce and Co will get it right.
  6. I don't know why this is a shock. 2019 we did the same thing- finished hot, blitzed through and won the SEC tourney, was a 5 seed far away from home. This team doesn't have the fire power of that team but has as much if not more chemistry and moxy. Bring it on!
  7. Reminds me of 2019. This is where we got hot and made the run. Strong finish to season and SEC tournament.
  8. Ohio State being tossed around as an NIL poster child is hilarious to me.
  9. He *began bargaining for a higher paycheck today.
  10. Maybe he will return a short field goal 109 yards like another #11
  11. Will Wade makes too much sense for Auburn if Pearl leaves. Classic choice right there.
  12. I trust Cohen to do the right thing. He's taken every correct step so far. I imagine the apparel deal will finish first, though
  13. That's pretty big, in my eyes. About the biggest honor you can get when only 100 numbers are ever used and only a few are officially retired.
  14. I hate to break it to you, but Bruce doesn't have another 5-6 years as our HC. I bet we get 2-3 tops. He's tired, you can see it in his demeanor compared to a few years ago, and it's obvious that he's not enamored with the current college landscape. If we get Nike sponsorship/apparel, might add more time to his tenure. I don't expect him to be around much longer in that capacity, by his own decision. He would love to hand it off to Steven.
  15. a) Thompson. I get big time Megatron vibes from him b) Thompson, again
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