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Utah State Player ejected for Targeting.


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That ref is Updyke's 1st cousin!

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If that ref was working in the sec,  half the conference would have been ejected in the games he worked.  

Unless he warned the guy earlier, this call looks way out of line.  I don't even see unnecessary roughness.  Just a hard hit.  

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Looked like he launched himself into the receiver.  15 yard penalty for unnecessary roughness.  Should not have been ejected unless he had been warned earlier in the game.

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I don't get it. If an offensive player jumps the defender should be able to jump as well.

Exactly! I don't like the direction this is going. Are you just suppose to stand there and keep your feet on the ground while the guy catches it and scores? Apparently. Hate this rule.

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I thought it was a bad call, but not a ridiculous one. 

He had a choice to go for the numbers, and he went above the numbers.  Anywhere above the numbers is trouble.  That, and leaving his feet.

One other thing:  the BYU kid suffered a concussion last week.  He did return to the game.

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They kept mentioning the Injury from last week, but when did it become the responsibility of the refs to protect injured,  but participating players?  If the ref thinks your player is too injured to safely play they should be forcing the player to the bench.

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