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The 9-11 Intelligence Bill: More Bureaucracy


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The 9-11 Intelligence Bill: More Bureaucracy, More Intervention, Less Freedom

"Disturbingly, HR 10 creates a de facto national ID card by mandating new federal requirements that standardize state-issued drivers licenses and birth certificates and even require including biometric identifiers in such documents."

"Domestic travel restrictions are the hallmark of authoritarian states, not free republics."

"Furthermore, the federal government has no constitutional authority to require law-abiding Americans to present any form of identification before engaging in private transactions (e.g. getting a job, opening a bank account, or seeking medical assistance). Nothing in our Constitution can reasonably be construed to allow government officials to demand identification from individuals who are not suspected of any crime."

HR 10 also broadens the definition of terrorism contained in the PATRIOT Act. HR 10 characterizes terrorism as acts intended “to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion.”

"It is entirely possible that a future administration will use the new surveillance powers granted in this bill to harm people holding unpopular political views."

"Congress could promote both liberty and security by encouraging private property owners to take more responsibility to protect themselves and their property."

"I am also disappointed the Financial Services Committee rejected my amendment to conform the regulations governing the filing of suspicious activities reports with the requirements of the US Constitution. This amendment not only would have ensured greater privacy protection, but it also would have enabled law enforcement to better focus on people who truly pose a threat to our safety."

"Among the most ill-considered foreign policy components of H.R. 10 is a section providing for the United States to increase support for an expansion of the United Nations “Democracy Caucus.” Worse still, the bill encourages further integration of that United Nations body into our State department. The last thing we should do if we hope to make our country safer from terrorism is expand our involvement in the United Nations."

"Once again, we are saying one thing and doing the opposite."


Most folks believe that total chaos (which is what most think is the common definition of anarchy) would reign if there were no man-made governments. Is it true? Here is what was said in A Proclamation of the Colony of Massachusetts Bay, January 23rd, 1776, after the Colonist found out it was just fine not to have other men ruling them:

"No effectual resistance to the system of tyranny prepared for us could be made without either instant recourse to arms, or a temporary suspension of the ordinary powers of government, and tribunals of justice: To the last of which evils, in hopes of a speedy reconciliation with Great-Britain, upon equitable terms, the Congress advised us to submit: And mankind has seen a phenomenon, without example in the political world, a large and populous colony, subsisting in great decency and order, for more than a year, under such suspension of government."

"Government is no farther necessary than to supply the few cases to which society and civilization are not conveniently competent; and instances are not wanting to show, that everything which government can usefully add thereto, has been performed by the common consent of society, without government."

"...governments, so far from being always the cause or means of order, are often the destruction of it."

"The law of reason is the same as the law of nature. The laws of morality and religion mean the same as the revealed law found in the Bible. God is the source of both the natural and the revealed law. When men are living under God's law they are living in God's Kingdom. This is the meaning of the law of nature and of nature's God that we see in the Declaration of Independence written by Thomas Jefferson. God's law is the basis for the American idea of government and the legal justification for American independence from Britain. See if you can find this period of American history, when all human government was abolished on the scale of government."

God's Rule = (Natural and Revealed Law) or Man's rule = (Man's Law)

"This is why I am completely convinced that we can do away with man-made government and let the freedom that ensues for us to pursue our capabilities to their fullest extent take us to the stars. As long as we allow men to stifle our abilities and productiveness, we will have bondage and slavery. If we can shake this yoke from our necks and keep it that way, the free market will dictate all of the current "services" that those that are working for the state currently "try" to supply."

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