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Classic Facebook Response to UAT's Championship


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And on the 9th day of January, the year of our Lord 2012, we watched in horror as rednecks like cockroaches seizing upon old bread crumbs in broken down houses, overran their status updates with unbridled arrogance - championing the exploits of a media-protected, money-bought, semi-pro team courtesy of T-Town Menswear - because of the great meaning that it brought to their otherwise mundane existence filled with beer pong, Nascar events, and the unemployment line. Highlighting the misery of it all was the bull-headed insistence to include highly disputable paper championships of yester-century in an effort to latch upon a certain number (14), once again proving that if you say it long enough and loud enough - the facts do not matter. This would only prove to be the beginning. Welcome to hell. May God have mercy on us all.

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