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UNC gets hammered by the NCAA


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Hey ...we could have gotten Butch...I remember some folks on AU sites pushing for AU to take a look at him.  It is interesting that the entire football program was a cesspool and he "knew nothing".

No matter how it happened, looks like Gus dodged a bullet when the UNC thing did not materialize.  UNC is a quality school....I'm amazed at how this thing got so big and I think it all started with some guy tweeting to his friends from Miami about a great nighclub he was at....and it just went from there.  There more the NCAA looked the more they found.   

I'm still amazed (and proud) that when the NCAA came after AU's scalp over the Cam recruitment they found NOTHING and you can bet they turned up every rock looking for dirt. 

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AJ Green of Georgia was a fallout of all this.  Dareus at Alabama apparently got off with a 4 game suspension by cooperating and telling all he knew.  Were there others outside of UNC?

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There was one interesting note that should be relevant in the future: The NCAA accused North Carolina of not “consistently” monitoring its players' social media. It turns out the school could have found evidence of wrongdoing just by dropping in on Facebook or Twitter.

And ttown menswear store FB page has no similarity to this?

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There was one interesting note that should be relevant in the future: The NCAA accused North Carolina of not “consistently” monitoring its players' social media. It turns out the school could have found evidence of wrongdoing just by dropping in on Facebook or Twitter.

And ttown menswear store FB page has no similarity to this?

UNC is not the University of Alabama.  Call it a conspiracy theory if you want, but bammer is blatantly breaking rules in front of the NCAA, and they are getting away with it.  How?  I wish I knew, but you can't deny that they are being treated MUCH differently than any other school in the country.

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Patience folks...Bama will get theirs in the "end".

I'm stil convinced that the NCAA is waiting for them to get off probabtion before they announce anything....remember the threat of the death penalty with Bama's last probation?

JMO but NCAA does not want to get into a PR battle with Bama and their media supporters over their "serial violator" reputation and there is no rush.    Notice that for UNC they went back 4 years with penalties...it's not as if there is much of a time limit for the Bama stuff.  If Bama committed violations, the videos and other evidence will still be there.

Meanwhile, up here in North Carolina....the heel fans should be ashamed, etc...but since it did not involve basketball, most UNC fans aren't too concerned.

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There was one interesting note that should be relevant in the future: The NCAA accused North Carolina of not “consistently” monitoring its players' social media. It turns out the school could have found evidence of wrongdoing just by dropping in on Facebook or Twitter.

And ttown menswear store FB page has no similarity to this?

UNC is not the University of Alabama.  Call it a conspiracy theory if you want, but bammer is blatantly breaking rules in front of the NCAA, and they are getting away with it.  How?  I wish I knew, but you can't deny that they are being treated MUCH differently than any other school in the country.

If the ttown menswear story/photos had of been about Auburn or any of a number of other programs, they would have been hammered into oblivion and deservedly so.

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Just a thought. If the NCAA can and will prove it, bama would lose 2 national titles.

They will probably keep the titles from the Media poll, seeing as a  precedent was set when USC got hammered over the Reggie Bush issues.Just the coaches poll title and I think there is one othere title that was stripped along with the Heisman. Reguardless the turds will claim it anyway, just like they do all the other years that they didn't really win a NC.

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I'm stil convinced that the NCAA is waiting for them to get off probabtion before they announce anything....remember the threat of the death penalty with Bama's last probation?

That would be a decent line of thinking if it were true.  It doesn't matter if Bama's on probation or not when the NCAA investigates.  What matters is if the violations occur while the school is on probation.  Bammer's not getting hammered.  The NCAA doesn't want to deal with Bammer and their legions of lawyers & journalists.  Remember the last time the NCAA dealt with Bama...they got sued. The NCAA is not kicking over that hornet's nest again.

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I wouldn't say that got slammed but definitely more than everyone thought.  USC got slammed compared to UNC.  UNC had an agent as a coach! that seems 10 times worse to me!

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That is one of the problems with NCAA enforcement.  There is absolutely no consistency with their rulings or sanctions.

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I'm stil convinced that the NCAA is waiting for them to get off probabtion before they announce anything....remember the threat of the death penalty with Bama's last probation?

That would be a decent line of thinking if it were true.  It doesn't matter if Bama's on probation or not when the NCAA investigates.  What matters is if the violations occur while the school is on probation.  Bammer's not getting hammered.  The NCAA doesn't want to deal with Bammer and their legions of lawyers & journalists.  Remember the last time the NCAA dealt with Bama...they got sued. The NCAA is not kicking over that hornet's nest again.

On probation or off probation NCAA is not going after the Harvey Gumpbaggers. Alabama can do whatever they want whenever they want.

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I'm stil convinced that the NCAA is waiting for them to get off probabtion before they announce anything....remember the threat of the death penalty with Bama's last probation?

That would be a decent line of thinking if it were true.  It doesn't matter if Bama's on probation or not when the NCAA investigates.  What matters is if the violations occur while the school is on probation.  Bammer's not getting hammered.  The NCAA doesn't want to deal with Bammer and their legions of lawyers & journalists.  Remember the last time the NCAA dealt with Bama...they got sued. The NCAA is not kicking over that hornet's nest again.

Thus the reason the NCAA should just shut the doors. They are a complete waste of an organization. They can hammer a school like UNC and not even remotely look at what is going on some other schools. Their punishment is completely random. One school will get a slap on the wrist and another will get hammered for the same infraction. They need to have some semblance of fairness.

On a side note: I had someone say something about Cam the other day. They just can't drop it. I offered to invite the NCAA to their school's campus for the better part of year trying to turn up anything they were doing wrong. They shut up.

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How can the NCAA shut the doors when the NCAA itself is made up of member institutions?

The member institutions "are" the NCAA.  Auburn Univeristy is a member institution. 

I agree that they are random when handing out punishments to various institutions.  But, nothing will change until the member institutions want it to change.  It's quite obvious that the member institutions that make up the NCAA organization are happy with the way things are going.  Doesn't mean the fans and alumni are happy with it, but it's obvious that Auburn University and every other member is happy.

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There currently are or are about to be 4 (FOUR) SEC teams on NCAA probation




And soon to be SoCarl

Heck, two of the above teams on probation played for the freaking BCSNC just a few weeks ago. Please tell me what kind of punishment that crap is?

Based on the figures the NCAA has, South Carolina spent over twice as much as UNC spent.  The NCAA is really going to hammer SoCarl/Spurrier.

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You are correct keesler but how much input do the member institutions have in day to day business.  Very little.  The Executive committee, the investigators and infraction committees control what the NCAA does.  The only say the institutions have is who is on these committees.  There are no votes counted on infractions or other day to day businesses. 

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You are correct keesler but how much input do the member institutions have in day to day business. Very little. The Executive committee, the investigators and infraction committees control what the NCAA does. The only say the institutions have is who is on these committees. There are no votes counted on infractions or other day to day businesses.

All I'm trying to say is that the NCAA is made up of member institutions like AU. We as fans/alumni stay continuously pissed off at the NCAA because we feel that they are unfair and completely random when dishing out punishment to violators.

UNC just got hammered, and rightfully so, they had a freaking coach acting as an agent.

Now, when looking at the UNC infractions and the South Carolina infractions, one would venture to say that SoCarl will get a punishment twice as bad as UNC because they spent over twice as much on their players. SoCarl had players living in hotel rooms for 12-18 monhts at $15/day. WTH was Spurrier & SoCarl thinknig to allow this to continue on for nearly 2 years? The NCAA has records/receipts for +$50,000 on SoCarl.

There are about to be 4 SEC teams on probation for cheating LSU/UAT/UT/SoCarl. As a member of the NCAA, what more should we (AU) expect the NCAA to do? The NCAA found that 3 of these SEC teams committed infractions and they were placed on probation. The NCAA has the goods/receipts on SoCarl and they are probably getting ready to hammer them as well.

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A4E said what I would have said in response to keesler. You're argument, in my eyes, doesn't hold any water. They don't call up all the 'members', present them the evidence, and ask for their opinion on the punishment.

The 'members' only real input is electing people to the committees.

I helped elect some members of congress......and I assure that just because I elected them, it doesn't mean I am happy about what they are doing. I can complain and let my views be heard, but in the end, they are the elected official and all I can do is vote them out when I get a chance. AU and other institutions are in the same spot as you and I in regards to the NCAA.

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I'm not trying to put up an argument for the NCAA.  My inital reply was to the person that said the NCAA just needs to shut its doors as they are a completely useless organization.  I totally understand that each individual institution has little say so in the day to day operations of the NCAA.   I also feel like they have random punishments for their violators.  But we (AU) are a member institution, and until we and a ton of other programs agree to bow out of the NCAA, then there is no point in complaining about an institution we are a member of..............

My question is what more should we expect the NCAA to do?  We are about to have 4 SEC on NCAA probation because the NCAA found that they violated NCAA rules.  What more do you expect them to do?  They found rules were broken and they placed the institutions on probation.  How many more SEC schools do we want them snooping around?

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I'm with Keesler on this one.  

AU is in the NCAA, has a vote on NCAA matters, helps determine who the organization employs, votes on policies, etc. etc.     We are one school of several hundred and the NCAA is more like the UN than the US congress.   Big schools and little schools, all looking out for themselves.  

The execs of the NCAA are hired to run the organization and if the majority of colleges and universities were not more or less happy with the way things are being run, they would make changes.   There is no way individual school presidents can participate in decisions about investigations, etc....they have schools to run and the NCAA is a typical red-tape laden organization that reflects the PC attitudes of most university presidents.

If we don't like the NCAA...there is always the NAIA.   :)

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My point is that the NCAA is broken. College athletics as a whole is broken. In regards to football, we are so far removed from 'student' athletes (especially at some places) that we don't even know how to get back. There are plenty of major college football programs that only worry with the 'student' part because they are required to. There is only one thing that runs major college football and that is money.

The most expensive part of major colleges budget is athletics, specifically the football program. I will assume, since I don't have the numbers in front of me, that the head football coach at almost all DI universities is the highest paid individual (by a large margin) on almost all those campuses. I will also assume that most of the coaching staff makes more than almost every other person employed, by those institutions, with possibly a few exceptions.

I will also acknowledge that 8 or so home games a year, tv contracts, and bowl games bring in a HUGE amount of money for those schools. I also understand that it takes a lot of money to run those programs at the highest levels.

I don't know what it would take to get back to education being the biggest priority of student athletes, but I know it will be a long road that may never reach its destination.

That was long-winded and didn't really go anywhere, my apologies. I think we sometimes forget that 99% of the kids playing college football will never play a down beyond it and they will need to rely on the education they receive.

I do believe that our coaching staff, and some others, do their best to balance everything as much as they can for the kids. It is just hard to compete at the highest level and the focus be anywhere but the football field.

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