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The Positives Thread


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Just to clear this up, we would've lost by 30 to this team last year.

Whether people want to admit it our not, our defense is already better than last year. You are one amazing play by Clemson's running back away from a totally different game. Couple that with a horrible replay call on the Boyd fumble, you have a 10 point turnaround.

Yea, I've been one of the more optimistic ones per last night's performance, but come on man...

"We would've lost by 30 to this team last year" - we lost by 14 last year. So at the same time our team in your mind is 16 points worse than last year's team or Clemson is 16 points better than last year's Clemson's team (despite Clmson scoring 12 fewer points). And you claim the defense is better (which I don't disagree with). All this in addition to Clemson not having Watkins and their receivers dropping balls like it was a hot potato. I was upset about 3 specific calls, but saying we would've lost by 30 last year to this Clemson team? What are you talking about?

I'm talking about football. You really think we would've held Clemson to field goals last year? On multiple drives? I watched auburn's LBs play better last night than most games last year. I saw defensive ends that had 4 sacks, and missed 3 more.

Did I see some mistakes? Yeah, I did. But I also saw a team that fought for 4 quarters, no matter what happened. I saw an auburn team improve on last year. Our mistakes hurt (t reed in the back of the end zone), but they can also be fixed.

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I think we were way improved over last year, offense and defense. If the improvement between week 1 and 2 is as much as some say, we should be alot better this week.

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  • Special Teams - Easily one of the best ST units in the country
  • Running game - still needs work, but good last night
  • Emory Blake - Very good SEC caliber receiver
  • Defensive ends - good, will get even better
  • QB - finally have a QB not named Cam who can throw the ball down field. Major work still to be done, but he will get much better with experience.
  • The Auburn Band - Bravo, bravo, bravo. Made us proud in the dome. Halftime show was AUsome!

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