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Set up to fail


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Has anyone else noticed that whatever chizik says the game will be like, it normally ends up that way? For example: after the game today, he said that at halftime, he told the players that it was going to come down to the wire and that things would be close. You think that influences the players negatively? It seems that every time weve blown a two touchdown lead, we find out that at halftime, he told the team how it would come down to the last minute. There have been many other games where he has said that special teams would be the difference and then we end up blocking kicks and making impact plays on special teams. Just something I've noticed while he's been here and was wondering what everyone thinks. (I know many coaches say a lot of the same stuff to pump the players up but I was just thinking that when he says games are going to come down to the last minute, they usually do)

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Has anyone else noticed that whatever chizik says the game will be like, it normally ends up that way? For example: after the game today, he said that at halftime, he told the players that it was going to come down to the wire and that things would be close. You think that influences the players negatively? It seems that every time weve blown a two touchdown lead, we find out that at halftime, he told the team how it would come down to the last minute. There have been many other games where he has said that special teams would be the difference and then we end up blocking kicks and making impact plays on special teams. Just something I've noticed while he's been here and was wondering what everyone thinks. (I know many coaches say a lot of the same stuff to pump the players up but I was just thinking that when he says games are going to come down to the last minute, they usually do)

Well, I hope he tells the team we will blow LSU out of the water.

It's worth a shot!

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I think we will hold our own for a spell with LSU. Winning will come down to creating turnovers, special teams play, and the Steel Curtain....circa 1978. WDE! Let's give them hell!

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